When we wake up feeling sleepy and with dark circles under eyes, many of us often think: “I'm g

   When we wake up feeling sleepy and with dark circles under eyes, many of us often think: “I'm going to go to bed earlier tomorrow!” But however determined we are, chances are 61 we don't stick to our promise. This behavior 62 (call) “bedtime
procrastination (拖延症)
In a study, 53 percent of the 2,400 63 (participant) said they didn't follow their sleep schedule, delaying it at least twice 64 week. It's found that they delayed bedtime not because they liked to stay up late, but they couldn't stop 65 (do) other unimportant things, which were keeping them up in the first place.
“People who generally have trouble resisting temptations and sticking to their intentions are more likely to delay going to bed.” Floor Kroese, a psychologist  (far) explained to HuffPost.
Yet, according to scientists, lack of self-control is not the only thing 67 (blame).
Our body clock also plays an important role when 68 comes to bed time. To check the influence of the body clock 69 sleep, scientists studied the sleep patterns of 108 people. It has been found that those who get up late 70 (be) more likely to postpone their bedtime than those who wake early every morning. The choices we make that affect our sleep could turn out to be pretty important for our health.
第二节 英语知识运用(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)
61. that 62. is called 63. participants 64. a 65. doing
66. further 67. to blame 68. it 69. on 70. are

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