If you grew up in a household that had its fair hare of book shelves,it might say something positive

If you grew up in a household that had its fair hare of book shelves,it might say something positive about your personality now that you're all grown up.
This new study found that people who grew up in book-filled homes have higher reading,math,and technological skills.The researchers analyzed data featuring 160,000 adults (ages 25 to 6)) across 31 nations.All participants were asked how many books there were in their home when they were 16 years old.They chose from a series of alternatives ranging from"10 or less"to"more than
If a household held at least 80 books.then participants went,on to display the average rate of literacy and numeracy(认字和计算),The rate of literacy continued to increase in parallel to the number of books a household contained until the rate didn't increase from 350 books onwards.Furthermore,young teenagers who grew up around books were shown to have the same levels of literacy and numeracy as university graduates who had only grown up around a few books.
Literacy was clarified as"the ability to read effectively to participate in society and achieve personal goals."Participants took' tests that "captured a"range of basic through"advanced comprehension skills,from reading brief texts for a single piece of information to synthesizing(合成)information from complex texts."Numeracy tests measured the"ability to use mathematical concepts in everyday life,"while IT-related tests"assessed the,ability to use digital technology,to communicate with others,as well as to gather,analyze,and synthesize information,”
The results suggest those books made a long-term difference,"Growing up with home libraries improves adult skills in these areas beyond the benefits from parental education,or one's own educational or occupational attainment,"the researchers report.Not surprisingly, the biggest effect was on reading ability."The total effects of home library size on literacy are large everywhere,"the researchers report.
27.What can we learn from the new study?
A.Homes filled with books do much benefit to one's growth.
B.One's literacy and numeracy are finally shaped at the age of l6
C.All participants need to have ten lo more than 500 books at home
D.Those reading a lot are more competent than university graduates
28.What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The benefit of literacy,numeracy and IT ability.
B.The measurement of literacy,numeracy and IT ability.
C.The relation between literacy,numeracy and IT ability.
D.The difference between literacy,numeracy and IT ability.
29.According to the text,books influence one's_
A.parental education
B.occupational attainment
C.calculating ability
D.reading ability
30.What is the writer's purpose in writing the text?
A.To describe the importance of receiving good education.
B.To clarify the effect of home library size on one's adult skills.
C.To explain the necessity of acquiring literacy and numeracy.
D.To introduce methods of improving one's literacy and numeracy.
 27-30 ABDB
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