Pu Bajia, has a manly look, standing out from the other “flower boys”. He also talks and acts in a m

D. Answer the questions(根据以下内容回答问题
Pu Bajia, has a manly look, standing out from the other “flower boys”. He also talks and acts in a manly way.
This is probably why he won the first prize in the “My hero” final contest. The contest was held in Shanghai on August 26. He spoke to Teens during the contest. A true Tibetan at heart.
Although he won the contest, Pu wants to stay the same. His long hair, Tibetan songs and accent are special. Some people think that he has to look more fashionable to be a rising star. But Pu has a different idea.
“I was born a true Tibetan,” he said. “I don’t want to succeed at the price of losing part of myself.”
In fact, Pu believes his special looks will help him go further.
Be a responsible man Pu grew up as a cowboy in a rural(农村的)Tibetan area in Sichuan Province. His hard life taught him to value his family above anything else.
“Once, I had to look for a cow in the middle of the night. It was very cold and dark outside. I couldn’t find it,” Pu said. “Mum and grandma worried because I spent all night looking for the cow. I decided not to make them worry any more.”
“Another time, a heavy rain killed the barley(青稞)crops in our field. We had no food and felt hungry,” he said. “But we got over it by encouraging each other.”
Pu wants to pay back his family’s love and care. “I only felt like I become a real man when I could take care of them on my own.”
1. Why Pu Bajia won the first prize in the “My hero” final contest?
2. When was the contest held?
3. How and where did Pu grow up?
4. Why did Pu’s mum and grandma worry?
5. Pu doesn’t become a real man, does he?
【答案】1. Because he has a manly look and he also talks ans acts in a manly way.
2. On August 26.
3. Pu grew up as a cowboy in a rural Tibetan area in Sichuan Province.
4. Because Pu Bajia spent all night looking for the lost cow.
5. Yes, he does.
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