W: When are you going to take your vacation? M: From July 25.

Passage 15(2020 •四川攀枝花)
W: When are you going to take your vacation?
M: From July 25.
M: Hawaii.
W: That sounds like a good place.52
M: Yes. We plan to climb mountains, go fishing and swimming, but most of all, have a good rest. My wife is taking lots of books to read.
M: Yes, they are. Are you going to Europe again this summer?
W: No.54
M: Are you going by ship or taking a flight?
A.Your children must be all happy about it.
B.Is your whole family going?
C.We are going to visit some old friends in Egypt.
D.Where are you going?
E.What are you going to do?
F.Going by air.
51.D   52.B     53.A   54.C    55.F
51.D【解析】句意:你将去哪里?根据“Hawaii”可知此处是特殊疑问句,询问去哪里,D选项“Where are you going”符合。故选D。
52.B【解析】句意:你一家人都去么?根据“Yes. We plan to climb mountains, go fishing and swimming”可知是一般疑问句,询问家人是否都去,B选项“Is your whole family going?”符合。故选B。
53.A【解析】句意:你的孩子们对此肯定很开心。通过前文可知,一家人爬山,钓鱼,游泳。判断大家玩的很开心,根据“Yes, they are”可知they指代前面出现的复数名词,A选项“Your children must be all happy about it”符合。故选A。
54.C【解析】句意:我们将去埃及拜访一些老朋友。根据“Are you going to Europe again this summer”询问今年夏天是否再去欧洲,回答“No”可知此处表达的是将去别的地方,C选项“We are going to visit some old friends in Egypt”符合。故选C。
55.F【解析】句意:坐飞机去。根据“Are you going by ship or taking a flight”询问坐船还是坐飞机去,F选项“Going by air”符合。故选F。
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