Lively music, singing and the sound of beating drums fill the room. As an orchestra(管弦乐队)plays

Passage 15【2020 •威海市】
Lively music, singing and the sound of beating drums fill the room. As an orchestra(管弦乐队)plays, performers dressed in colorful costumes move across the stage(舞台). Welcome to Chinese opera.
Chinese opera is an important element(元素)of Chinese culture. Most operas are based on stories from long ago. The amazing stage performances are often set against grand backgrounds. Beautiful paintings, hand movements and martial arts(武术)help tell these famous stories.
There are more than 300 forms of Chinese opera, including Beijing Opera, Yue Opera, Yu Opera, Ge Zai Xi and many other forms. Of all of them, Beijing Opera is the most famous. Beijing Opera combines(合并)singing, dancing and acrobatics. Instruments such as drums, bells and cymbals accompany(伴奏)the performances.


Facial design
Traditionally, performers used masks(面具)for their facial design. Today, however, performers use makeup. They paint colorful designs on their faces. These colors and designs help to create each character. For example, a brave character has a red face, while a black face means bold. A yellow and white face represents(代表)someone who is dishonest.


Costumes give clues(线索)to the performers’ characters and roles. Audiences(观众)that are familiar with opera will get to know a story by the masks and costumes. Costumes usually have many designs and colors. The same costume can be used in different shows, however, it will represent a different character.
Promoting the arts
Many colleges and schools in China desire(渴望)to keep the art of Chinese opera alive. They provide an education system for talented students. Applicants(应试者)must pass a written test, an audition(试镜)and an interview and only the most promising students are accepted to study at these colleges and schools. Once accepted into the program, students begin a seven-to-twelve-year journey through the school. After graduation, many go on to work as professional actors on stage or in the movies.
1. Of all forms of Chinese opera, which is the most famous?
A. Beijing Opera B. Ge Zai Xi C. Yu Opera
2. The character with a yellow and white face is________.
A. brave B. dishonest C. bold
3. What does the word promising mean in the passage?
A. 诚信的 B. 热情的 C. 有前途的
4. Which of the statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. Anyone who likes Chinese opera can be accepted into the program.
B. If a person knows opera well masks and costumes will help know the story.
C. Once in the program, you have to study for 7 to 12 year at school.
5. What is the passage mainly talking about?
A. Chinese culture B. Beijing Opera C. Costumes and facial design
1.A【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段中“Of all of them, Beijing Opera is the most famous.”可知,在所有中国戏曲中,京剧是最著名的。故选A。
2.B【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段中“A yellow and white face represents someone who is dishonest.”可知,黄白相间的脸代表不诚实。故选B。
3.C【解析】词义猜测题。根据最后一段中“students are accepted to study at these colleges and schools”可知,应试者要通过笔试、试镜和面试选拔,并且最有前途的学生才会被录取到这些学校学习,所以此处划线部分单词promising的意思是“有前途的”。故选C。
4.A【解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段中“…and only the most promising students are accepted to study at these colleges and schools.”可知,只有最有前途的学生才被接受到这些学校学习,而不是任何喜欢戏曲的人都可以被录取,所以A项错误;根据第五段中“Audiences(观众)that are familiar with opera will get to know a story by the masks and costumes.”可知,熟悉歌剧的观众将通过面具和服装了解一个故事,所以B项正确;根据最后一段中“Once accepted into the program, students begin a seven-to-twelve-year journey through the school.”可知,一旦被录取,学生们将开始7到12年的学校之旅,所以C项正确。故选A。

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