New research about male guppies, a tropical fish found in most fresh and saltwater environments publ

New research about male guppies, a tropical fish found in most fresh and saltwater environments published in the journal Functional Ecology suggests that male guppies exposed to high predation (捕食行动) levels often develop larger brain sizes than those living in low-risk environments. Consequently, the development of larger brain sizes among the male guppy population allows for better chances of survival under high predation conditions.
The team began its research in the southern Caribbean. They concentrated their observations on populations located in two independent rivers. In each, they collected male guppies living above and below the waterfalls. A small amount of predators lived in the waters above the waterfall, therefore the local guppy population had evolved (进化) under predation-poor conditions into a predation-poor population.
On the other hand, below the waterfall, predators were found to be increasing, making environment dangerous. Scientists noticed that male guppies located above the waterfalls often displayed on average smaller brain sizes than males living under the waterfall.
The next step was to find out if male guppies from high-predation population only had larger brains as a result of long evolutionary processes or a direct response to exposure (暴露) to risk during development. This question took the team away from the tropics and back to the laboratory, taking a sample group of guppies originating from high predation group. These were divided into two test populations. The first group was exposed to the sight and smell of a predator living in a nearby aquarium for five minutes at a time, five times a week. The other guppies served as a control group and lived in non-predatory places. The results showed that males exposed to predators have 21 per cent heavier brains than those of the control group.
Male guppies are generally more colorful than females and thus more likely to be exposed to predation threats. The increase in intellect could offer males advantages such as the ability to detect and react to danger earlier, increasing their chances of survival.
21.We learn from the passage that ______.
A. smarter fish have better chances of survival
B. guppies can’t survive in high predator conditions
C. the size of guppies changes with the environment
D. larger brains only result from long evolutionary process
22.This new research was done mainly by _______.
A. listing facts B. analyzing data
C. making comparisons D. explaining reasons
23.Male guppies are more easily attacked than females because of their _____.
A. appearance B. behavior
C. life history D. living environment
24.Which of the following proverbs reflects the findings of the research?
A. Pain past is pleasure.
B. Great hopes make great man.
C. While there is life, there is hope.
D. Storms make trees take deeper roots.
21.A.细节理解题.根据第一段最后"Consequently, the development of larger brain sizes among the male guppy population allows for better chances of survival under high predation conditions."及最后一段"Male guppies are generally more colorful than females and thus more likely to be exposed to predation threats. The increase in intellect could offer males advantages such as the ability to detect and react to danger earlier, increasing their chances of survival." 通过这两部分的内容可知,研究发现在高捕食条件下,暴露在高捕食行动下的雄性鱼通常比生活在低风险环境中的雄性鱼的大脑更大、更聪明,他们有更好的生存机会.它们能早发现危险,早应对危险,这增加了他们生存的机会.由此可推断出更聪明的鱼儿生存机会更好.分析选项可知A 符合题意,故选A.
23.A.推理判断题.根据最后一段的"Male guppies are generally more colorful than females and thus more likely to be exposed to predation threats." 雄性鱼比雌性外表颜色更鲜艳,因此更容易受到被捕食的威胁.由此可推断出雄性鱼易受攻击是因为其外表,故选A.
24.D.推理判断题.根据第一段内容"在《功能生态学》杂志上发表的一项关于热带鱼类雄性鱼的最新研究表明,暴露在高捕食水平下的雄性鱼通常比生活在低风险环境中的雄性鱼的大脑更大.因此,在高捕食条件下,雄性鱼群体中大脑发育体积较大的 有更好的生存机会."由此可知,在环境愈恶劣的环境中生存能力强.分析选项:A. Pain past is pleasure. 苦尽甘来;B. Great hopes make great man 伟大的抱负造就伟大的人物;C. While there is life, there is hope只要活着,就有希望;D. Storms make trees take deeper roots. 暴风雨使树木扎根更深.可知D项符合题意,故选D.

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