假如你是李华,目前作为一名交换生在英国一所中学学习。因为学校面积较大,宿舍区到教学区距离较远。请你利用学校英文报栏目给校长写信反映问题,希望引进校园共享单车。内容包括: 1.反映困难; 2.分析原因;

 第二节  书面表达(满分25分)
Dear Headmaster,
We are hoping that you can notice the problem with us students’ campus life.
Our campus being so big, it’s not easy for us students to reach the classrooms for class from dormitory areas. Considering the problem raised by the large schoolyard, we are appealing for the system of campus shared bikes. First, if so, more study time will be saved. Second, as for the parking, the students are sure to park the bicycles in order all the time, which will apparently bring less trouble. Therefore, campus shared bicycles might as well be taken seriously to make us live and study here more conveniently.
We would appreciate it if you could reply soon!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua

第二节书面表达 (满分25分)(2020·芜湖县第一中学高三)
Dear Headmaster,
We are hoping that you can notice the problem with us students' campus life.
We would appreciate it if you could reply soon!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua

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