Carole King's song, You've Got a Friend promises “Winter, spring, summer, or fall — all yo

Carole King's song, You've Got a Friend promises “Winter, spring, summer, or fall — all you've got to do is a call — and I'll be there”.
Many people expect friendship to last forever. Unfortunately, even the best maintained friendships can end. Paul said, “When I moved to Seattle after college, we were so far apart and our friendship suddenly died. Now that friendship is so dead, and I don't even call him when I go home.”
Many end because of a change in personality or lifestyle when friends disappear with time. There is a retreat (逃避) from self­disclosure (公开) and seeking out each other's company. The friendship slowly loses importance and finally disappears. Disagreement also ruins friendship.
Bob Carver, Dallas psychotherapist, says, “A friendship or any other relationship fails because of three things: unexpressed expectations, undelivered communication and prevented attention.”
Yet the biggest threat to a friendship is change.
For example, moving from a single life to a coupled life has a great effect on friendship. Coupled persons may feel jealous of or ignored by a single friend's new social life. The single friend may feel uncomfortable with a world of pairs.
Lillian Rubin in her book Just Friends says, “Thus generally it's true that friends accept each other so long as they both remain essentially the same as they were when they met, or change in similar directions. If they change or grow in different ways, the friendship most likely will be lost.”
Regardless of why, when, or how friendships end, there is always some pain of loss. When nothing can be done to mend the friendship, it is natural to feel sad and feel the pain fully. Then move on to build entirely new friendships.
5.What is the purpose of the writer in writing Paragraph 1?
A.To use an example to support the topic.
B.To attract readers' attention to the topic.
C.To introduce a song of Carole King to readers.
D.To give the main idea of the passage.
答案与解析:B 推理判断题。第一段以一首歌开篇,点明人们都希望友谊长存,引出文章的话题是友谊。歌词简单明了,容易让人记住,引起人们对文章话题的注意。
6.From what Paul said, we can learn that sometimes friendship ends because of ________.
A.losing touch with old friends
B.the long distance
C.a change in personality
D.making new friends
答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据Paul所说的内容可知在他毕业后到了西雅图,和朋友相隔那么远,很少见面,友谊突然失去,由此看出是距离造成的。
7.What would be the best title for the passage?
A.How to keep friendship
B.Lasting friendship
C.Mend a broken friendship
D.Friendship does end
答案与解析:D 主旨大意题。文章重点指出,即使是维护得很好的友谊也有结束的时候,并且分析了出现这种情况的原因。
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