Difficult financial times don't mean your giving shuts down. __1__ There are so many ways to gi

Difficult financial times don't mean your giving shuts down. __1__ There are so many ways to give back that won't hurt your wallet and will enrich your life.
1Pick up the phone
Calling someone “for no reason” is an important opportunity to show them that you are thinking of them. You are taking time out of your busy day to reach out. Everyone needs someone to just listen sometimes. They may be filled with joy or sadness.
2Write a note
__3__ It is one thing to say it, but it can be even more meaningful to put it in writing. What if you made a commitment to write a thank­you note to someone every week?
You never know what someone might be going through — a painful divorce, a tough college semester, or just a bad day. Opening up your home will make someone feel appreciated. In addition, it costs less than going out. The leftovers from this dinner can be packaged up for homeless people. That's double giving!
4Set aside money from a daily routine to donate
Giving doesn't have to mean a life full of sacrifices. You can still buy a burger or get your nails done. __5__ Donate the money you save: Even $5 can make a difference in someone's life.
A.Give a gift to the stomach.
B.Invite someone over for dinner.
C.To take your awareness to a new level, move beyond money.
D.But instead of buying much coffee every week, you can drink less.
E.While some people enjoy receiving gifts, all of us appreciate a kind word.
F.Instead, they allow you to examine how your time and money are spent.
G.Be there to celebrate their good news or support them with sympathy.
1.答案与解析:F 从空白后的“There are so many ways to give back that won't hurt your wallet and will enrich your life.”可知,有许多方法可以让你捐助别人、充实自己的生活并且不会花费太多钱。F项与上一句意思存在转折,与下一句话题一致。F项正确。
2.答案与解析:G 空白前提到“joy or sadness”,这与G项中的“good news or support them with sympathy”相呼应。朋友们会有高兴和悲伤的时候。高兴时与他们一同庆祝,悲伤时支持他们。G项正确。
3.答案与解析:E 本段讲的是“写留言”。E项中有关键词“a kind word”。E项符合语境。
4.答案与解析:B 从本段中的“it costs less than going out. The leftovers from this dinner can be packed up for homeless people.”可知,本段讲的是把需要的人请进家里用餐,或捐赠剩饭给无家可归的人。B项概括准确。
5.答案与解析:D 从本段小标题“Set aside money from a daily routine to donate”和空白后的“Donate the money you save”可知,本段教人们如何省钱来捐助别人。D项就是其中的一个例子。

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