How much sympathy do you feel towards other people? If you saw someone ___l___ their bike in traffi

How much sympathy do you feel towards other people?  If you saw someone ___l___ their bike in traffic, would you ___2___ and help---or just walk away? Many people would go about their business and just do___3___. So it was a big ___4___  when about 100 bystanders(旁观)got together recently to move a bus in East London to ___5___ a cyclist trapped under it.
According to Zoheb, a ___6___ who stopped his car to ___7___ the rescue, about five people gathered to move the bus. The action paid off.Diners from ___8___ restaurants joined in. There wasn't much coordination(协调)___9___it didn't take long to develop a collective understanding of what the object was.
Spontaneous collaboration(自发的合作)among ___10___ doesn't happen often. People in a crowd are not sure what to do-they don't have a ___11___ . It's one of the ___12___ bystanders often do nothing, according to Dr. Mark Levine, professor of social psychology at Exeter University in Britain. “The ___13___ of others can stop you from helping," he says.
The key to ___14___ group behavior and intervention (介入), Levine explains, “is building a sense of ___15___ identity”. Action has to be ___16___ quickly, Levine says. “The longer you leave it, the harder it is to make a decision. If you don't ___17___ act then you kind of think ‘Well, actually I probably couldn't have done anything anyway.”
But the people who are like Zoheb might make a ___18___. The cyclist ended up in ___19___ and the images of the collective effort might ___20___ others to more acts of solidarity(团结).
1. A. get on B.get off C.fall behind D.fall off
2.A.stop B.leave   C.follow D.wait
3.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything
4.A.puzzle B.success C.surprise D.experience D.greet
6.A.teacher B.tourist C.cyclist D.driver[
7.A.face up to B.step away from C.take part in D.look forward to
8.A.little B.nearby C.crowded D.licensed
9.A.but B.and D.or
10.A.friends B.strangers C.neighbors D.relatives
11.A.method B.choice C.habit D.plan
12. A.goals B.results C.reasons D.advantages
13. A.presence B.practice C.patience D.potential
14. A.different B.normal C.positive D.aggressive
15. A.real B.shared C.assumed D.national
16. A.decided B.advised C.repeated D.realized
17. A.carefully B.gradually C.eventually D.immediately
18. A.mistake B.suggestion C.promise D.difference
19. A.court D.prison
20. A.invite. B.inspire C.welcome D.challenge
  C.答案: 1-5 DAACB  6-10 DCBAB   11-15 DCACB    16-20 ADDCB
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