“Siri,what's the weather like in San Francisco?” “Today's forecast for San Antonio is...”

Siriwhat's the weather like in San Francisco?”
Today's forecast for San Antonio is...”
No. San FRAN­CIS­CO !! ”
The tapper Sisqo was born in Baltimore, Maryland.”
Sometimes, talking to an artificially intelligent robot is,well,not so   intelligent.
Yohav Shoham, the Stanford computer science professor, said, “AI has made truly amazing progress in the past decade, but computers still can't exhibit the common sense or the general intelligence of even a 5­year­old.” Yann LeCun, a French scientist, put it more simply. “We're very far from having machines that can learn the most basic things about the world in the way humans and animals can do. In particular areas machines have superhuman performance, but in terms of general intelligence they're not even close to a rat,” he explained.
Oren Etzioni, an Israeli scientist, said, “There's a brand of science fiction(小说) that's very dystopian (反面乌托邦的). These works of fiction talk about how the world is going to get much worse.I'm too much of an optimist (乐观者)to get a lot of pleasure out of reading such stories.”
However, robots are becoming smarter. Indeed, our homes are becoming more intelligent when we place devices (设备) like the Amazon Echo and Google Home on our kitchen counter.But,at least for the moment anyway,we  shouldn't feel intimidated by this artificial intelligence.
There are robots that move like animals and robots that offer guidance.There's even a robot that can paint a picture of Einstein and a robot that can fold your laundry. Robots are not taking over the world yet. So for now, we can simply sit back and relax. And have a robot waiter pour us a drink.
【语篇解读】 本文语篇类型是说明文,主题语境是科学与技术。科学家表明目前机器人并没有人们所想象的那样聪明,它们的一般智力和常识还不及5岁的孩子。
5.What does the dialogue at the beginning of the text tell us?
A.Robots aren't as smart as we expect.
B.It isn't easy to forecast the weather correctly.
C.A speaker may be misunderstood by another.
D.Weather is a good subject to start a conversation.
A [推理判断题。根据“Sometimes,talking to an artificially intelligent robot is,well,not so intelligent”可推知,Siri是一个机器人的名字,而这场人机对话可谓是答非所问,由此可知,这场对话反映出目前机器人并不像人们想象的那样聪明。]
6.What do the scientists think about the artificially intelligent robots now?
A.They have superhuman performance in kitchen tasks.
B.They have the common sense of a 5­year­old.
C.They can only learn the basic things of humans.
D.They are still poor at general intelligence.
D [细节理解题。根据第二段中Yohav Shoham和Yann LeCun的观点可知,科学家认为机器人的一般智力还很差。]
7.How did Oren find the dystopian science fiction?
A.Pleasant. B.Typical.
C.Realistic. D.Controversial.
A [推理判断题。根据Oren说的话“I'm too much of an optimist(乐观者) to get a lot of pleasure out of reading such stories.”可知,他从这些科幻小说中获得了很多乐趣。]
8.What does the underlined word “intimidated” mean?
A.Comforted. B.Astonished.
C.Threatened D.Disappointed.
C [词义猜测题。虽然Oren说到一些科幻小说描述了未来世界将会变得很糟,但是目前机器人并没有那么智能,不会威胁到我们的生活。]
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