Table Manners We all like to think we have good table manners, but what you consider proper table

Table Manners
We all like to think we have good table manners, but what you consider proper table manners may actually be considered rude in another country! Let’s explore some strange table manners around the world.
Most people believe that it is bad manners to slurp(出声地吃或喝) or hold your soup bowl up to your mouth.   9   Slurping in Japan is an indication that the food is good. Therefore, in Japan, slurping is considered polite.
  10   In some cultures, finishing all the food on your plate is a sign that your host did not provide you with enough food. Filipinos, Koreans and Thais will all think like this. In many cases your host will continue to serve you each time you clear your plate. For Japanese people, however, finishing all the food on one’s plate is a sign to the host that the meal is delicious and that you appreciate the meal.
  11   This is a belief in many Asian countries, including Thailand, Japan and China. It’s considered taboo(禁忌) because during funerals(丧礼), bowls of rice with chopsticks sticking in them are offered to the dead
Don’t cut your salad with a knife in France. Proper etiquette(礼节) in France when eating a salad to fold the salad leaves onto your fork if they are too big to put in your mouth. You should never cut your salad with a knife.   12  
Pay attention to forks. Have you ever been to a fancy western restaurant, not sure which fork to use?
  13   In Thai culture the proper way to enjoy Thai food is with a spoon in your right hand and a fork in your left. Some countries don’t even use forks but rather eat with their hands, like India, Nepal and Pakistan.
A. That isn’t true in Japan.
B. It’s the one furthest from your plate.
C. You must finish the food on your plate.
D. Should you finish all the food on your plate?
E. You may use your fork to eat something like fruit.
F. Never leave your chopsticks sticking in a bowl of rice.
G. This rule is taught to many French children from an early age.

【答案】9-13 ADFGB
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