Mexico takes the third place in the most-attended carnival celebrations behind Rio de Janerio in Bra

Mexico takes the third place in the most-attended carnival celebrations behind Rio de Janerio in Brazil and New Orleans in the US. While carnival is celebrated in Mexico in all major cities, the celebration in Mazatlan is the most expected.
Every year, over 300,000 people attend the carnival celebration in Mazatlan in Mexico. It is a popular destination for carnival festivities along with other Mexico’s famous port cities like Veracurz, Ensenada, and La Paz. If you’re planning to visit Mexico to observe this famous celebration, it is advisable to book months before the actual date as boarding and lodging(食宿费) rise sharply during the holidays.
People from all walks of life actually participate in this yearly festive celebration. It has become a part of people’s way of life both for Catholics(天主教徒) or non-Catholics. People in the US celebrating this tradition and some parts of South America throw confetti eggs(五彩蛋) to one another as part of the tradition’s practice. This is believed to bring good luck to the person who’s hit by it.
Besides the above activities, masquerade(化妆) balls and rides that charge entrance fees are available. In the evening, a grand firework display awaits audience and participants.
During the last day of the celebration, South American countries such as Mexico conduct cultural awards including poetry contest and so on. The Clemencia Isaura Poetry recognizes and awards the person with the best unpublished work in Mexico.
If you are a partygoer and looking for the best event to be at..., then this is the best party celebration you should participate in. South American countries are the best place to be at for this type of celebration including New Orleans in the US.
1. _______ is the first place in the most-attended carnival celebrations.
A. Mexico. B. Rio de Janerio C. New Orleans. D. Sao Paulo.
2. If you plan to see the carnival celebration in Mazatlan, you’d better _______ .
A. reach there by plane. B. bring more money with yourself.
C. book accommodations in advance. D. visit Mexico’s famous port cities.
3. In Paragraph 3, the underlined part “people from all walks of life” means people _______.
A. walking in different ways. B. having different interests in life.
C. coming from different parts of the city. D. working in different occupations.
4. What happens last during the carnival celebrations?
A. Throwing confetti eggs. B. Poetry contests.
C. Masquerade balls. D. A grand firework display.
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