49. 请填写这张表,然后来我们学校学英语。 Please this form and come to learn English in our school.

46. 我想你不必亲自去。
I don't think you have to go .
47. 在走了两个小时后,他们很快睡着了。
They soon after walking for two hours.
48. 很多野生动物没有安全居住场所,因为我们夺走了他们的土地和森林。
Many wild animals don't have a safe place to live, because we are their
land and forests.
49. 请填写这张表,然后来我们学校学英语。
Please this form and come to learn English in our school.
50. 我们尽量早到,以便有时间热身。
We all arrive as early as we can so that we have time to .
51. 丽丽将为你们指出北京的景点。
Lily will the sights of Beijing for you.
52. 你的新书什么时候出版?
When will your new book ?
53. 他编了个有趣的故事,讲给他朋友听。
He an interesting story and told it to his friends.
54. 请多保重。
Please .
55. Tom昨天骑车回家时,从车上摔了下来。
Tom his bike on his way home yesterday.
56. 你的房间真乱,请收拾一下。
Your room is in a terrible mess, please it .
57. 请注意你的拼写。
Please to your spelling.
58. 我们大家应该帮助动物,使它们在宁静中生存。
We should help animals live .
59. 今天早上的课是关于急救的。
This morning's class is about .
60. 这取决于你个人爱好。
It your personal hobby.
五、 完成句子(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)
46. in person 47. fell asleep 48. taking away 49. fill out 50. warm up
51. point out 52. come out 53. made up 54. take care 55. fell off
56. tidy; up 57. pay attention 58. in peace 59. first aid 60. depends on

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