I grew up in the 1960s. I was taught from an early age to send a handwritten thank-you note showing

I grew up in the 1960s. I was taught from an early age to send a handwritten thank-you note showing gratitude for kindness. My mother used to buy me a box of stationery(信纸)and teach me the value of saying "thank you.” She turned out to be right.
Amit Kumar is a professor at the University of Texas. He said that people liked getting thank-you notes. However, most of us underestimate^氐估)the positive feelings they will bring. He asked volunteers how they felt after they received thank-you notes. Many said they were “extremely happy."
Dr Kumar found that it took most volunteers less than five minutes to write the thank-you notes. Just five minutes to make another person feel "extremely happy”! Yet, in reality, the idea of getting an actual pen, writing an actual note, finding a stamp and a mailbox, never seems to come to mind. We usually do what is convenient for us—a quick text or an email.
It's easy to say 'Tm busy," but even very busy businessmen find time to write thank-you notes. Take Doug Conant fbr example. When he became CEO of CampbelFs Soup, the company had lost half of its market value. It was bad fbr morale(士气).He started fixing that by writing to every employee. In his ten years as CampbelPs CEO, Conant wrote over 30,000 notes in all. Not surprisingly, the company turned around.
While people always like getting thank-you notes, sending the note in time is also important. The late (已故的)Princess Diana (戴安娜王妃)was known to write a note as soon as she returned home from an event and have it posted right away.
Professor Kumar's experiment, Doug Conant and Princess Diana prove my mother's instruction that an expression of kindness in this fast-paced world still works. Thanks, Mom.
61. The writer's mother used to buy him a box of stationery and teach him .
62. According to Professor Kumar5s experiment, people feel .
63. The underlined part in Paragraph 4 probably means " ” in Chinese.
64. While people always like getting thank-you notes, sending the note in time is .
65. The title of passage is "
六、 任务型阅读(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
61. the value of saying "thank you"
62. extremely happy
63. 好转/扭转/有起色
64. important
65. The Value of a Thank-you Note
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