This morning there was a young man wandering in the campus. I know him and he comes from a(n) 41 m

第一节  (共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 
This morning there was a young man wandering in the campus. I know him and he comes from a(n)  41  mental   illness treatment center which is about 200 metres away. I saw him earlier standing at the soda selling machines, searching for   42   in  his  pockets. It  appeared that he didn’t  have   43   money for a  soda  at $1.50.  I  returned from  another building and he was bending down and looking for   44    change under the selling machines. Nothing to be    45    . I    asked him how much money he needed and he replied “just 2 quarters”. I reached into my pocket and   46    , I had 2    lonely little quarters in my pocket. I gave it to him and he got his Dr Pepper and flashed me the biggest    47    . I asked    him  what  he was going  to  eat  for  lunch. He said  the nurses  offered      48   at the house,  but  usually  just  noodles  or a sandwich that he didn’t like. I took him back to   my      49 and gave him several Pizza Hut coupons (优惠券), one for a 50 personal size pan pizza.
I’ve been saving     51     and small change for several years in a can at the office. I was sure there was a nice      52      of change in the can. I gave him the can and told him to take it to Weis Market and use the Coin Star and    53    it in. I     told him to remember to    54    my can because it had my pictures on it. Well, just 10 minutes    55    , he took the can     back and    56     me $30 and some change. This was the     57     of the can. He didn’t understand that the money was for him and thought I just wanted him to    58     me. My heart     59     a thousand beats. Can you imagine? My act of     kindness to him      60      back to me.
41. A.strange B.unfamiliar C.comfortable D.nearby
42.A.wage B.change C.keys D.snacks
43.A.remaining B.extra C.adequate D.spare
44.A.dropped B.wasted C.donated D.assigned
45.A.noticed B.checked C.found D.picked
46.A.suddenly B.magically C.strangely D.finally B.hug C.sigh D.mark
48.A.treatment B.foods D.sweets
50.A.beautiful B.rare C.fresh
51.A.pennies B.cheques D.wealth B.amount C.piece D.pile
53.A.put B.take D.check
54.A.sell B.protect C.value D.return
55.A.before B.behind C.ahead D.later
56.A.paid B.lent C.handed D.took
57.A.contents B.meanings C.weight D.size B.leave a trick on attention to
59.A.slowed B.skipped C.suffered D.defended
60.A.stayed B.fled C.replaced D.bounced
41.D 【解析】根据后文的“which is about 200 metres away”,可知这个年轻的男子来自附近的(nearby)一家精神疾病康复中心。
42.B 【解析】作者看到男子站在饮料售卖机前,在口袋里找零钱(change)来买饮料。
43.C 【解析】可男子却没有足够的(adequate)钱买苏打饮料。
44.A 【解析】等作者从另外一栋楼回来时,男子弯着腰正试图去找掉(dropped)在地上的零钱。
45.C 【解析】但男子什么都没找到(found)。
46.B 【解析】当作者知道男子需要2个25美分硬币的时候,他便伸手到口袋去找,神奇的(magically)是,作者正好有2个25美分的硬币。
47.A 【解析】作者把硬币给了男子,男子给作者一个大大的微笑作为回应。
48.B 【解析】根据后文的“but usually just noodles or a sandwich that he didn�t like”,可知男子回答的是中心会分发食物。
49.C 【解析】在得知男子不喜欢中心发的食物后,作者把男子带到自己的办公室(office)去给他优惠券。
50.D 【解析】男子得到优惠券后就可以去吃一些免费的(free)食物。
51.A 【解析】作者有个存钱的小罐,里面存满了硬币和零钱。
52.B 【解析】由于存了很多年,存钱罐里的钱数目(amount)很可观。
53.C 【解析】作者把钱给了男子,让他去换(cash)一些整钱。
54.D 【解析】因为罐子上有作者的照片,所以需要男子把它还回来。
55.D 【解析】十分钟后(later)男子把存钱罐还回来,并给了作者30美元及一些零钱。
56.C 【解析】十分钟后男子把存钱罐还回来,并给(hand)了作者30美元及一些零钱。
57.A 【解析】content原意是“内容”,此处是用它来代指罐子里的那些零钱。
58.A 【解析】其实作者仅仅是想把钱给男子,并不是想让男子帮自己去换整钱。
59.B 【解析】作者因男子的善举而感动,内心怦怦直跳(skipped)。
60.D 【解析】作者没想到的是自己对于男子的善意,被他反弹(bounced)了回来。
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