假定你是“古风社”( Ancient Society)社长李华。新学期伊始,古风社要招募新成员,你得知你的美国朋友Jerry希望加入。

假定你是“古风社”( Ancient Society)社长李华。新学期伊始,古风社要招募新成员,你得知你的美国朋友Jerry希望加入。请你给Jerry 写一封信,邀请他参加招募新成员的面试。要点如下:1.时间,地点;2.面试要求;3.表示期待。
Dear Jerry,
Li Hua
Dear Jerry,
As the new term begins, our Ancient Society, which aims to arouse students' awareness of Chinese ancient customs and traditional cultures, will recruit new members. As we all know that you arc deeply interested in these subjects, I sincerely wish that you can join our club.
As scheduled, it is this Friday in the Students' Center that the interview will be held. All the candidates are expected to introduce themselves and state how much they feel interested in our club or the cultures. Would you like to challenge yourself and come to participate in the interview? I firmly believe that you will succeed and become a member of our society.
I would appreciate it if you could confirm your participation at your early convenience.
Li Hua
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