Devon Gallagher, a college graduate from Philadelphia, wants the world to know exactly here she'

    Devon Gallagher, a college graduate from Philadelphia, wants the world to know exactly here she's been during her worldwide vacation in a special way.
The traveler, who was born with a bone disease, had her right leg amputated( k)at the age of four. Although the amputation caused setbacks for Gallagher early on, she now sees it as nothing short of inspiration for living her best life.
To spread that message, Gallagher has taken to social media, where she shares photos of her travels across the globe, but instead of simply using a geo-tag, she writes her location across her artificial leg before taking a picture.
Now she has been taking pictures across the Continent, which show her cycling over the canal in Amsterdam relaxing on a wall overlooking the city of Barcelona, posing with a waffle in Brussels, taking in the spectacular Parthenon temple in Athens and enjoying a river cruise in Budapest, all with the well-known locations written on her artificial leg “I get a new leg every two years and I can choose the design on it. One day I had a sudden thought to get a chalk-board, "Gallagher said. "My mum and grand-mother weren’t too keen on the idea, but my friends thought it was great and told me to go for it, so I did.”
Gallagher said people often stare when shes writing on her leg, but once she shares the photos she receives only positive feedback."My leg hasn’t stopped me from doing anything I've wanted to do, " she said. "I don,t know if it's my determination to prove to myself that I can do it, but regardless, I've been able to keep up with my peers and lead a pretty great life, Gallagher shows us that you should never let anything stand in the way of your dreams. And if life gives you an artificial leg, make art.
24. What message did Gallagher want to spread in her special way?
A. She enjoys her travelling across the globe
B. She suffers little from her legs amputation
C. She looks on her misfortune as another form of blessing
D. She has exactly fallen in love with posting photos online
25. Gallagher can best be described as_______
A. helpful and ambitious                        B. friendly and generous
C. determined and creative                   D. independent and sensible
26. Which of the following might be the best title for the text?
A. Never Too Late to Share                    B. A Special Artificial Leg
C. An Outstanding Photographer                D. Gallaghers Summer Holiday

 24--26 CCB  
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