When you think about a deadly animal, you may think of a shark, a lion, or even an elephant. However

   When you think about a deadly animal, you may think of a shark, a lion, or even an elephant. However, the truth is that the deadliest animal in the world is much smaller and more annoying. 16 And it feeds on human blood, transporting numerous diseases from one person to the next. Figure it out, yet? Yes, it's the mosquito.
The numbers don't lie: According to the World Health Organization, more than 725,000 people worldwide are killed by mosquito-bome diseases each year. These diseases include malaria (疟疾),dengue fever, yellow fever, and encephalitis. 17
"Being able to adapt easily to new environments is one of the reasons why mosquitoes are the most deadly," Bums Blackwell, an expert in pest control said.
18 Mosquitoes have learned to lay eggs in as little as a few small drops of water and each female mosquito can lay Mbetween 50 and 500 eggs once. Their populations also reach the highest point at different times in different areas all over the world, making it nearly impossible to avoid being bitten. 19In areas where there're too many mosquitoes, local authorities try to control the population through routine pesticide (杀 虫齐U) applications. "We should protect ourselves by avoiding places where there is too much water," said Bernard Cohen, MD, a professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. 20 Wear bug repellent (马区虫齐U) that contains DEET (up to 30 percent) when heading outdoors, and reapply it about every four hours.
A. Most of the diseases can be cured in a short time.
B. There are more than 100 varieties of this thing on earth.
C. He also stresses that a little protection will go a long way.
D. And every bite increases the risk of getting a serious disease. 瞬
E. Mosquitoes take much interest in getting in touch with children.
F. Malaria is the most horrible, killing at least 600,000 people a year.
G. Another reason the insects are so deadly is that they produce quickly. 第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

16. 【答案】B
【解析】依据下文中的"it feeds on human blood, transporting numerous diseases—It's the mosquito "可知,所选句中含有"蚊子" 或相关的词语,故B项符合语境,选项中的"this thing"指上文提 到的"the deadliest animal",也就是蚊子。
17. 【答案】F
[解析】上一句列举了被蚊子叮咬后产生的疾病,F项是对上一 句的延伸,说明疟疾给人带来的伤害,符合语境。
18. 【答案】G
【解析】该段主要讲了蚊子繁殖很快,结果数量太多,我们难以 避免被叮到。再根据第三段中的"Being able to adapt easily—one of the reasons"可判断,该部分内容是关于蚊子致命的另一个原 因,故G项符合语境。
19. 【答案】D
[解析】上一句表明世界各地的人们都难以避免被蚊虫叮咬,D 项中的"every bite increases the risk"是对上一句的延伸。
20. 【答案】C
[解析】上文提到,Bernard Cohen教授建议我们应该避开水多 的地方以免遭蚊叮。下文中的"Wear bug repellent (驱虫剂)"是保 护自己的具体做法,所以空处应是这位教授的另一个建议。

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