Every student knows the importance of taking notes in class. But the skill of note-taking isn't

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多 余选项。
   Every student knows the importance of taking notes in class. But the skill of note-taking isn't only used in school. Adults need to take notes in meetings or training sessions for work. So here are some tips to help you develop this critical skill.
• Begin with the date and the topic of the class. This may seem obvious, but you could forget easily. It will help you keep your notes organized.
36 Trying to write down everything the speaker says will only exhaust and frustrate you. Instead, listen for the key ideas the person wants to communicate.
• If the speaker uses a PowerPoint, you may not need to copy the slides. Ask if the PowerPoint will be available afterwards. 37   Or you can take a picture with a phone. Also, the PowerPoint or a document with notes may be available before the class or meeting. If so, print it out so you can write notes on it.
• Think about whether you want to take notes by hand or with a computer. Writing notes by hand has been shown to help you remember things better. But with a computer, it will be easier for you to organize your notes. 38   Write notes by hand first, and then type them up as part of your review.
• Consider different note-taking strategies. 39   Another strategy is to write an outline with details indented under the points they support.
• Look over your notes again after taking them. This will give you the chance to add any information that you didn't set down. 40 Do it before you forget anything. This extra review will also increase your chances of remember what you wrote.
Note-taking is a practical skill, so it's important to practice doing it well.
A. Strike while the iron is hot.
B. Focus on the most important points.
C. Compared to notes, textbooks are not that essential.
D. Perhaps the best strategy combines the two approaches.
E. You should bear in mind that never push yourself too hard.
F. If so, you can focus on writing what the speaker says instead.
G. If youre a visual learner, consider drawing a chart or picture.
36-40 BFDGA
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