There's a well-known story in the world of literary translators about the translator who was th

There's a well-known story in the world of literary translators about the translator who was thrilled to see his work appear at great length in an article in a popular magazine. He had translated many novels by a little-known Scandinavian novelist, who he believed had been ignored and not received the attention or praise the novelist deserved. He had devoted much time to trying to get this novelist some recognition. The article agreed with his assessment of the novelist's works mentioning long passages from his translations.
But something was missing. The translator searched in vain for a mention of his name. It didn't appear anywhere. The translator's joy at the coverage (报道)of the author he liked was considerably ruined by this. He felt that he himself should have had some recognition in the article. It was as if the translator did not exist, and all the efforts he had made had never happened.
Most people would agree that it was wrong of the magazine not to mention the translator. However ,it is also true that most readers themselves operate in exactly the same way, and for them it is also as if the translator didn't exist. When people read a translation of a novel, they want to feel they are reading what the novelist, and not someone else, wrote. They don't want to be reminded that they are not reading, and would not be able to read, the original novel created by the novelist, not wishing to know who the translator was or pay any attention to what they have done.
In this global age, more and more works of fiction are being translated into more and more languages. Readers are now able to experience and understand other cultures more than ever through the reading of translated novels. So the works of more and more novelists can reach people in other parts of the world. This applies not only to new novels but also to fresh translations of old classics.
28. What can we know about the translator in Paragraph 1?
A. His opinion was shared by the magazine.
B. The novelist's works were his favourite.
C. He often sent articles to the magazine.
D. The novelist got famous with his help.
29. How did the translator feel when he looked closely at the article in the magazine ?
A. Regretful. B. Proud. C. Upset. D. Skeptical.
30. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A. The contributions of novel translators.
B. The general attitude towards translators.
C. The readers, di仟erent tastes in literature.
D. The importance of reading original works.
31. What does the author stress when talking about the global age?
A. The shortage of able novel translators.
B. The number of readers of original works.
C. The value of novels in different countries.
D. The variety of fiction available to readers.

28-31 ACBD
28. 答案:A
答案解析:第一段谈到:这位翻译家很激动地看到自己的作品出现在一本著名杂志的一篇文 章中。这篇文章通过引用译文中的长篇大论来同意他对这位小说家作品的评价,由此说明他 的观点得到了杂志的认可。
本题容易误选C。认为这本杂志用了这位翻译家的观点,就根据常识说他经常给这家杂志投 稿,但文中没有这方面的信息。其余选项信息在文中有提及,但是过于绝对。
29. 答案:C
答案解析:第二段谈到:这位翻译家在这篇文章中寻找他的名字时,却没找到。根据这段信息 "The translator's joy at the coverage(报道)of the author he liked was considerably ruined by this. ”可知,这位翻译家对他所喜欢的作者的报道所感到的喜悦,在很大程度上被这一情 况破坏了。由此推知他应该感到很郁闷。
30. 答案:B
答案解析:第三段谈到:对于读者来说,就好像译者不存在一样。当他们阅读一本小说的译文 时,他们想要感觉到他们读的是小说家写的东西,而不是别人写的。他们不希望被提醒他们 不是在阅读原著小说,不希望知道译者是谁,也不关注译者所做的事情。由此可知本段主要 在谈读者对译者的一般态度。
31. 答案:D
英语试题答案第4页(共12页) 答案解析:题干上提到global age,因此本题答案应在最后一段来寻找。文章最后一段谈到: 在这个全球化时代,越来越多的小说被翻译成越来越多的语言。读者现在比以往任何时候都 能通过阅读翻译小说来体验和了解其他文化。世界其他地方的人们能够接触到越来越多的 小说家的作品。由此推知作者在谈到全球化时,强调了可供读者阅读的小说种类的多样性。

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