
内容要点:过去: 1. 家庭贫困,房屋破旧。2.母亲生病,为母担忧,成绩下滑。
现在:1. 住进新房,母亲康复,学习进步。2.生活日趋改善。
要求:1). 次数100词左右,短文开头语已给出,但不计总词数。
2. )短文中必须包括所有要点,但不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥。
A possible version:
My name is Li Jun. Thanks to the government,my family has changed a lot in the last two years.My family used to be poor and we lived in a small and old house.I don't have any new clothes.My grades dropped because my mother was sick and couldn't afford to see a doctor.Sometimes,I even want to leave school to support my family.Now,with the help of the government, great changes took place in our lives.We live in a new house.My mother is healthy.I can also set my mind on my study and make great progress in my study.Our life is improving day by day

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