Every country has its own culture and way of life, and many people wonder that what it would be like

第四部分:写作(共两节;满分 35 分)
第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
   Every country has its own culture and way of life, and many people wonder that what it would be like to living in a country like Australia. It's the six biggest country in the world. Surrounding by the ocean, Australia has population of about twenty-two million. It's a country of deserts, beaches, mountains, rivers and lakes, mostly on a hugely scale. It's a country of blue skies and large farms that measured thousands of square kilometers. It's a country whose population consists in natives and people from many other country. It's also a country of kangaroos but koalas.

71.删掉 that 72. living 改成 live 73.six 改成 sixth 74.Surrounding 改成 Surrounded
75.has a population of 76.hugely 改成 huge 77.measured 改成 measure
78. consists 后而 in 改成 of 79.country 改成 countries 80.but 改成 and 参考范文:
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