As individuals age, many will experience decreased memory abilities. 36 Some signs include forgettin

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As individuals age, many will experience decreased memory abilities. 36 Some signs include forgetting phone numbers, misplacing car keys, and struggling with name recall. This decline is associated with a routine that leaves parts of the brain unused. Memory exercises can help keep typically unused parts of the brain active and improve memory abilities.
37 It can be something as simple as going to a new restaurant for lunch, cooking something completely new, or visiting a friend in the next town for the weekend. New sensory stimulation can help refresh memory.
Another easy way to improve memory is to use one's non-dominant hand to do simple tasks. For example, if one is right-handed, the left hand could be used to brush teeth or comb hair. 38 But in fact, a part of the brain is being used that is rarely put to work, making the brain stronger.
39 This might include studying a new language or researching how to do a math problem. And it does not have to be something traditionally thought of as brain stimulating.
 Learning a new craft or sport may also activate the brain in new ways.
Not only can mind exercises improve memory, but physical exercise can as well. Studies show that exercise can improve memory abilities as it increases blood circulation and therefore more oxygen can reach the brain. 40
A. This may feel slow and ineffective.
B. Short-term memory is often the first to suffer.
C. Talking with others can also improve one's memory.
D. Even as little as 30 minutes of walking each day can help.
E. Memory exercises can also be accomplished by learning new things.
F. One type of memory exercise involves changing one's regular routine.
G. Being alone can cause stress and depression, which affects memory negatively.
36-40 BFAED
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