Hershey chocolate has become famous around world. But did you know that the Hershey chocolate factor

Hershey chocolate has become famous around world. But did you know that the Hershey chocolate factory is  only about one hundred  years  old?  And did  you know that the founder( 创办人 ) Hershey Chocolate , Milton Hershey , had many failures( 失败 )in business before he started his famous company?
Milton Hershey grew up in a farm  country of Pennsylvania.
before  he started making chocolate, Milton Hershey was a printer. He worked for a small newspaper and then he decided to change a job.
Later he got a job at a candy factory. After working a few years at the factory,he decided to open his own little candy business. His first business had to choose down because it was not making money. After that , he travelled to Denver , Colorado ,to learn how to make caramals( 焦糖 ).He took his new skills to  New York and worked selling candies on the  streets. But this second business also failed.
Finally, Milton Hershey back to the farm country where he grew up. He then experimented with all sorts of  different candies and chocolates. The area  where he lived had lots of dairy farms , so he could plenty of fresh milk easily.And he could get  other supplies( 原料 )  ,  such as sugar ,  from nearby  Philadelphia.
By 1893 he was selling a million dollars worth of caramel candy every year. Since his chocolate-flavoured( 巧克力风味  ) caramel was the best-selling , he decided to make chocolate himself.
By experimenting, Milton Hershey learned how to  make delicious chocolate by using fresh, sweet milk. His milk chocolates were so popular that he sold his caramel factory and made chocolate only. In 1903, Milton Hershey built a huge chocolate factory and town of Hershey.Today, the  town of  Hershey is  still the home of  factory that Milton Hershey built.
And if you ever  visit, you can smell the  delicious chocolate
smells just by driving through the town.
( )26. Which is Milton Hershey ’s hometown?
A. Hershey B. New York
C. Philadelphia D. Pennsylvania
() 27. What did Hershey do when his first business closed down?
A.He got a job in a newspaper factory.
B.He went to learn how to make caramels.
C.He started his second business.
D.He built his own chocolate factory.
() 28.Which was the most successful product that Hershey make?
A. candy    B. Chocolate
C. Milk Chocolate D. Chocolate-favored carame
()29. Which phrase can replace the underlined word “occur ”?
A. Show up B. Take place C. Come along D. Go out
( )30. what can we learn about Saint Patrick ’s Day?
A.On that day, Irish families usually go to churches in the afternoon.
B.There will usually be a parade
C.It ’s celebrated only in Irish.
D.It started as a day to remember Irish soldiers.
( A ) 26 — 30 DBCAA
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