Long long ago, there was a kind lady. Every day, she baked bread for her family and an extra

D. Answer the questions(根据以下内容回答问题
Long long ago, there was a kind lady. Every day, she baked bread for her family and an extra loaf for any hungry passer-by. She placed the extra bread beside a window. When the woman placed the bread, she always gave a prayer for her son. Her son had gone to a faraway place and she hadn’t heard from him for a very long time.
Every day, a tramp(流浪汉)came and took away the bread. He muttered (喃喃自语)when he was leaving, “The evil you do remains with you. The good you do comes back to you”
sometimes the woman felt irritated (恼火的). “Not even a word of gratitude,” she said to herself with unhappiness.
This went on, day by day.
Finally, the woman became so angry that she decided to get rid of the tramp. She added poison (毒药) to the bread she was going to offer to the tramp! When she was placing it, her hands trembled(颤抖). “Look at what I’ve done!” she immediately threw the bread into fire and made another one.
As usual, the tramp came and picked up the bread. “The evil you do remains with you. The good you do comes back to you,” he muttered and left.
That evening, there was a knock on the door. Surprisingly, the woman’s son was standing in the doorway. He was starving and weak. “Mom, it’s a miracle that I can come back home! While I was only a mile away, I was so hungry that I almost collapsed (垮掉). But just then an old tramp gave me a loaf of bread. He said that the bread was his food every day. But today, I should get the bread, for I needed the bread much more than he did!”
The lady’s face turned pale when she heard those words. The tramp’s words suddenly came back to her, “The evil you do remains with you. The good you do comes back to you.”
1. Finally the woman threw away the bread with poison, didn’t she?
_____________, _______________________________________________.
2. Where did the woman place the extra bread?
3. Why did the woman feel irritated?
4. What did an old tramp give her son?
5. What about the woman when she heard what her son said?
6. What can you learn from the passage?
【答案】1. Yes, she did.
2. She placed it beside a window.
3. Because the tramp didn’t even give a word of gratitude.
4. He gave her son a loaf of bread.
5. Her face turned pale.
6. Any reasonable answer is accepted.

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