While many Chinese students go abroad to learn western culture, foreign students come to China.

While many Chinese students go abroad to learn western culture, foreign students come to China. In order to get close to 46 Chinese culture, last July, 55 students and teachers from Germany came to China and joined a(n) 47 camp. They visited several schools in Chengdu, Sichuan. At Huaxin High School, they made dumplings, played tai chi, did paper-cuts and learmed calligraphy(书法). To help them 48 more about China, Chinese students led these foreign 49  to some places of interest.
In recent years, there are more cultural exchanges between Germany and China. Almost 400 German schools have Chinese classes. Over 8,000 students study in China. The situation is the same to China. Chinese students are one of  the  50 foreign student groups in Germany.
46. A. modern        B. traditional      C. international
47.A. summer        B. autumn         C. winter
48. A. write          B. read           C. know
49.A. guests         B. teachers        C. artists
50. A. richest       B. largest       C. smallest
体裁 记叙文 话题 中国文化热 词数 126
46.B 考查形容词辨析。根据后文“他们参观了几所成都的学校,做了饺子,练了太极,做了剪纸以及学了书法”可知是为了了解传统中国文化,故选B;
47.A 考查名词辨析。从日期可知是7月份,故选A;
48. C 考查动词辨析。从文义可知是为了帮助他们更好的了解中国,故选C;
49. A 考查名词辨析。该句讲到中国学生带领这些外国学生和老师去参观名胜古迹,那么这些学生和老师即为中国的客人,故选A;
50.B 考查形容词辨析。根据前面讲到德国有8000多学生在中国留学,这个情况对于中国也一样可知中国学生也有很多在德国留学,故选择largest。
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