A: Hello, Daming. B: Hi, Lingling. ___41___

Passage 2(2020 •广西北部湾经济区)
根据对话内容, 从下面选项中选出恰当的句子补全对话, 并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。
A: Hello, Daming.
B: Hi, Lingling. ___41___
A: I'm going to visit Mr. Li. ___42___
B: Of course. I like him best.
A: So do I. ___43___
B: I agree. He also makes his classes lively and interesting.
A: With the help of Mr. Li, I've made great progress in my English.
B: ___44___
A: All right. I plan to write a poem to express our thanks to him.
B: ___45___ By the way, we'll have a school-leavers' party tomorrow.
A: Then we can read the poem at the party.
B: That sounds good.
A. He is kind and helpful.
B. That's great.
C. What are you going to do?
D. Would you like to go with me?
E. Shall we do something for him?
答案】41. C    42. D    43. A    44. E    45. B
41.C【解析】根据下文I'm going to visit Mr Li“我打算去拜访李老师”,可知,此空是询问“你要去做什么”,结合所给选项,此空填C选项,表示“你要去做什么”。故选C。
42.D【解析】根据Of course. I like him best“当然,我最喜欢他了”及所给选项,可知,此空填D选项,表示“你想跟我一起去吗”。故选D。
43.A【解析】根据I agree. He also makes his classes lively and interesting“我同意。他也让课堂生动有趣”,可知,此空是对李老师的赞扬。结合所给选项,此空填A选项,表示“他既善良也很乐于助人”,故选A。
44.E【解析】根据All right. I plan to write a poem to express our thanks to him“好的。我打算写一首诗向他表示我们的感谢”,可知,此空询问是否需要带东西给老师。结合所给选项,此空填E选项,表示“我们要带些东西给他吗”。故选E。
45.B【解析】根据I plan to write a poem to express our thanks to him“我打算写一首诗向他表示我们的感谢”,可知,此空表示对这个建议是赞成还是反对。结合所给选项,此空填B选项,表示“那棒极了”。故选B。
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