Life offers so many lessons, both practical and personal, that you’re never too young to begin learn

Life offers so many lessons, both practical and personal, that you’re never too young to begin learning them. Here are somc skills to learn as soon as possible.
Money Management  
When you start receiving money of your own. It’s time to start understanding your relationship with money. In a world where you can buy any and every object, the key is to save money by buying only essentials (必需品) and a treat sometimes.
One great way to save money is to learn to cook for yourself. Beyond that, cooking at home also helps you control your diet for better health. If you start doing this at an early age, you will not have to depend on your parents too much.
Keeping Promises:   
Promises are a matter of honesty and should be made with care. We must learn from an early age that our word must be followed up by action. When it isn’t, others will quickly lose trust in us and not respect us.
Accepting Rejection (拒绝)
Though you must. be careful not to break your word, others’ promises aren’t always kept. Learn about it early, and you won’t be hurt easily. Also, not every job application or desired (渴望的) friendship will work out, so remember that there are more fish in the sea.
No matter how old you get, there will always be things beyond your understanding. It’s better to learn to be modest now rather than take a proud fall later in life. Be open to new experiences and keep learning. And it’s never t,oo late to start.
53. How many skills are talked about in the passage?
54. Which two skills can help you save money?
55. If one of your friends breaks his promise to you, will you be angry? Why or why not?
答案】53. Five    
54. Money Management and Cooking.    
55. Yes. Because I think promises are a matter of honesty
No. Because I’ve learned others’ promises aren’t always kept.

短文第二段中the key is to save money by buying only essentials (必需品) and a treat sometimes.和第三段中One great way to save money is to learn to cook for yourself这两个地方提到了省钱save money,回答时用标题就可以,故答案为Money Management and Cooking。
这个题目的答案并不是固定的,可以回答Yes,也可以回答No,重要的是给出充分的理由。根据短文第四段Promises are a matter of honesty and should be made with care. We must learn from an early age that our word must be followed up by action. When it isn’t, others will quickly lose trust in us and not respect us.可知,这里说到了遵守诺言的重要性,最好的答案应该是Yes,会生气,因为承诺是关乎于诚实的问题,如果违背了诺言,就会失去别人对我们的信任。
【点睛】这篇短文给我们介绍的是在生活里我们需要学会的一些技能,短文中给我们列举了其中的五个。文章主题明确,结构清晰,比较有利于我们把握文章的大意。后面的题目是问答问题,第1小题和第2小题考查对文章细节内容的理解;第3小题是一个开放性的题目。做题时,应先通读短文,掌握大意;然后根据题目所问,在原文中寻找相关信息作答。例如第1小题,题目问的是文章中谈论了多少技能,这个题目我们需要结合文章的结构作答,短文第一段引出话题,从第二段开始进行分别的介绍,每一段都有一个小标题,比较明显,所以答案是很简单的。第2小题问的是关于save money的技能是哪两个,做题时,可以用save money这个短语作为关键词,在文章中进行搜索,就能找到答案。学科*网

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