My neighbor Josie, a college professor, ran circles around women twenty years younger than her.

My neighbor Josie, a college professor, ran circles around women twenty years younger than her. For some reason, she took a(n)    21    to me and always chose to fit me into her days. She would call me to taste-test recipes, which was a    22   . Her garden was a testament (证明) to Josie's green thumb. In some instances, I could not even    23    what was growing, but we had the freshest salads in the neighborhood all summer long!
Early each morning, Josie forced me to    24    her on her “daily constitutional”, as she liked to call it. I believe we were supposed to be walking, but it felt more like mini-sprints (running at full speed). I had my rules. If I couldn’t talk or    25   , I would stop. I stopped every day at the end of our block. Josie would    26    a half hour later and make me breakfast as a    27    for making the attempt!
Each night around sunset, Josie and I would touch our base on our porches (门廊) before retiring for the evening. We would    28    back and forth, exchanging worldviews.
One evening, Josie was a “no-show.” I started over to her door when I    29    the ambulance and saw her husband and children    30    outside. Josie had suffered a stroke (中风).
When I next set eyes on her, she was leaning in a wheelchair. She looked smaller and older than I remembered, but her eyes were clear and her smile was    31   bright. Her speech was    32   , but her voice still had the lift I loved.
Josie’s world had changed overnight from travel destinations to the few rooms in her house.    33    it’s what she does with her surroundings that gives me pause and perspective.
When Josie feels well enough to    34   , her husband brings her breakfast in bed. She calls it “dining out”. They listen to soft music and light candles. On days when Josie has some    35   , her husband wheels her into the living room, and they watch old movies together. She calls it “date night.” When Josie is doing really well, her husband takes her for a(n)    36    outside in her wheelchair. She calls it “going on vacation”.
Despite the    37    that Josie is not expected to make a full recovery, she    38    to dine out, go to the movies and take lots of mini-vacations. She is grateful to smell a summer barbecue, to share a laugh with her favorite neighbor, and to be here for    39    day.
I am    40    for her simple life lesson. Find the positive, and you’ve found your reason to live.
21.A.opinion B.feeling C.chance D.liking
22.A.task B.matter C.pleasure D.burden
23.A.deliver B.identify C.assess
24.A.assist B.promote C.inspire D.join
25.A.wave B.cheer C.jump D.breathe
26.A.return B.disappear C.stretch D.practise
27.A.push B.reward C.response D.contribution
28.A.skip C.think D.swing
29.A.heard B.called C.left D.ignored
30.A.dining B.escaping C.running D.wandering
31.A.still B.ever C.once D.already
32.A.deeper B.longer C.clearer D.slower
33.A.For B.Or C.So D.But B.speak C.relax D.sleep B.strength C.lessons D.worries
36.A.hike B.examination C.walk D.meeting
37.A.fact C.plan D.attempt
38.A.rejected B.continues C.postponed D.paused
39.A.either B.certain C.another D.neither
40.A.helpful B.pitiful C.thankful D.painful
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