When I was about 12, my Aunt Fern gave me a tip on life that I will never forget. “Smile,” she said,

When I was about 12, my Aunt Fern gave me a tip on life that I will never forget. “Smile,” she said, putting her arms around me. “If you want friends, smile. People will want to be around you if you do.” I have always been admiring Aunt Fern, who at the age of 89 still spreads happiness around even she herself is in difficulty.
I stood in front of the mirror in my bedroom and smiled as she suggested. I tried all kinds of smiles until I settled on my ordinary, simple, happiest looking teeth—showing smile. I practiced it. It felt good. Give it a try, and it'll make you happy, too.
This idea was further boosted when in the 10th grade I was advised by a friend in our school who was a senior to try out for the cheerleader. She was the head cheerleader and would be graduating and moving on. Without hesitation, I told her, “No. I won't try out.”
I had tried out the year before and lost. In those days, the cheerleaders were chosen by all the students. Despite my busy study, I had practiced hard and thought I did okay, but found out that I not only lost, but came in last. No way would I humiliate(羞辱) myself! Not ever!
She persisted(坚持说),  “If I teach you how to win, will you try out? I'm leaving and when I'm gone, there won't be a cheerleader.”
“Can you promise I would win?”
“No,  but almost. I think if you do what I say,  you could win.”
She then worked with me, teaching me cheers, but more importantly she taught me how to communicate with students. She said, “Forget the result! Start caring about everyone in this school, really caring. Learn their names and be interested in them. Smile and be friendly. Smile at everyone.”
Back to the mirror, I smiled my head off again. I learned the kids' names, learned about them and actually cared about them.
So, the end of the story: I won. I won for the next two years until I graduated.
1.What kind of person was Aunt Fern?
A.Strict.           B.Experienced.
C.Generous.        D.Optimistic.
2.The author was advised by her aunt to ________.
A.make as many friends as possible
B.practice smiling in front of a mirror
C.smile in an ordinary and simple way
D.be the head cheerleader of her school
3.Why did the author refuse her friend's offer at first?
A.She wasn't interested in it.
B.She was afraid of failing again.
C.Her friend didn't tell her how to win.
D.She had to focus on her study.
4.What is the best way to communicate with others according to the author?
A.Showing real care for others.
B.Developing the same interest.
C.Memorizing all the names.
D.Forgetting the possible bad result.
【语篇解读】 本文为记叙文。在作者12岁的时候,她的姑妈建议她微笑面对所有人。这一建议在她读十年级的时候得到了进一步的提升。
1.D 推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“...who at the age of 89 still spreads happiness around even she herself is in difficulty.”可推知,作者的姑妈是一个乐观的人,即使自己已经年迈,但仍把欢乐传播给他人。
2.B 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“I stood in front of the mirror in my bedroom and smiled as she suggested.”可知,作者的姑妈建议她在镜子前练习微笑。
3.B 推理判断题。根据第四段内容可知,作者以前曾竞选过啦啦队队长,但失败了,并且是倒数第一,故她起初拒绝朋友的提议是因为她害怕再次失败。
4.A 细节理解题。根据倒数第二、三段内容可知,朋友建议作者记住他人的名字,了解他们,对他们微笑,这些都表明与他人沟通最重要的是真心关心他们。
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