Every time Shelly and her friends go out to dinner, they play something called the phone pile"g

Every time Shelly and her friends go out to dinner, they play something called the phone pile"game. Upon entering the private room,everyone places their ___1___ on the tea table; whoever checks their device before the bill arrives ___2___ for dinner.
This game was first played about one year ago, when Lily, the starter,found that she had trouble ___3___ her mobile phone after she got home from work. So she ___4___ putting her phone into a small container the moment she walked in. It would remain there until after dinner.
The similar technique was carried out by Holly, who didn't ___5___ to sleep close to a beeping phone. So she ___6___ computers and phones in her bedroom-a rule she___7___ in her WeChat friends circle.
With the rapid development of science and technology, smart phones ___8___ to impact our lives, and wearable devices like Google Glass ___9___ our individual space even further. Thus overburdened users are creating their own device-free zones. These disconnecting ___10___ are improving their lives.
“Disconnecting is something that we all ___11___," said Shelly. “The expectation that we must always be ___12___ to everyone creates a real problem in trying to ___13___ private time. But that private time is more important than ever.”
A useful method for ___14___ is to choose a milk tin for your cell phone, just like Lily does. “___15___ my phone is lighting up, it's still a distraction(分心的事物), so it goes in the ___16___," she said.
Others choose new ___17___. "No screens after 11p.m." said Ari Melber, a TV host. "Now evenings are more ___18___ and I am sleeping better."
Sleep is a big factor, which is why some ___19___ to leave their phones out of their bedrooms.To these people, it ___20___ is a head-clearer.
1. A.wallets   B. handbags C.phones D.watches
2.A.waits B. pays  C.prepares D. looks
3.A. ignoring B.checking C.charging D.finding
4.A.advised   B.forgot C.stopped D.began
5.A.hate B.arrange C.want D.promise
6.A.lost B.banned C.collected D.adjusted
7.A.shared B.agreed C.talked D.provided
8.A.intend B.choose C.happen D.continue
9.A.threaten B.defend C.improve D.use
10.A.tricks B.beliefs C.ways D.guesses
11.A.need B.avoid C.discover D.learn
12. A.dependable B.attractive C.convenient D.available
13. A.put out B.set aside C.turn down D.cut off
14. A.connecting B.distributing C.disconnecting D.entertaining
15. A.Unless B. Although C.Until D.When
16. A.room B.pocket C.bag D.box
17. A.rules B.orders C.steps D.games
18. A.flexible B.relaxing C.urgent D.upsetting
19. A.admit B.refuse C. prefer D.try
20. A.nearly B.definitely C.finally D.hardly
 A.答案:  1-5CBADC   6-10BADAC    11-15  ADBCD    16-20 DABCB
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