Everyone admires somebody, perhaps for something they do, say or believe. My ___1___is a person

Everyone admires somebody, perhaps for something they do, say or believe. My ___1___is a person I've followed almost my entire life. Troy Aikman is a legend in the National Football League,and a ___2____ for me to learn from.
I became interested in Troy when I ___3___ a football game between his team and another famous team. Although I was too young to understand what the ___4___ were doing, I admired how Troy ___5___ himself on and off the ___6___. When it came to his chances, his accurate passes were amazing, making others easy to catch,and when he took ___7___ his helmet on the sidelines(球场两侧区域), he always seemed to be in a good mood. The more I learn about Troy, the more my ___8___ in him grows.
To build a children's ___9___ in Irving, Texas, Troy ___10___ much of his own money. It ___11___ children in poor families to get free health care. I was not ___12___ of his charitable side until I went to look for more about him.
I ___13___ Troy's football career until 2000, when he had to quit football because of all the blows he had taken to the ___14___, I was disappointed, but ___15___ he hadn't suffered any more brain damage. Fox TV asked him to be a sports announcer, and Troy accepted as a way to ___16___ part of the game. Troy has been asked to play again by many teams, but he always ___17___ and focuses on his hospital instead.
Heroes are everywhere, helping worthy causes and influencing kids ___18___, Not only was Troy an amazing football player, he's also a ___19___, and happy gentleman off the field.All these ___20___ my eye, and that's why I'm proud Troy Aikman is my hero.
1. A. coach B. example C.hero D.colleague
2.A. model B. copy   C.candidate D. carpenter
3.A. played B.watched C.joined D.organized
4.A. winners B.rulers C.players  D.runners
5.A.defeated B.matched C.changed D.handled
6.A.track B.field C.court D.ground
7.A.off B.on C.up D.in
8.A.enthusiasm B.questions C.doubt D.interest
9.A.hospital B.school C.library D.kindergarten
10.A.exchanged B.wasted C.devoted D.exposed
11.A.forces B.attracts C.requires D.allows
12. A.sure B.afraid C.aware D.fond
13. A.mistook B.held C.guaranteed D.followed
14. A.foot B.head C.leg D.back
15. A.relieved B.disappointed  C.curious D.hopeful
16. A.leave B.remain C.enjoy D.open
17. A.promises B.promotes C.refuses D.struggles
18. A.completely B.positively C.partly D.immediately
19. A.caring B.noble C.rich D.serious
20. A.raised B.beautified C.harmed D.caught
D.答案:  1-5 CABCD   6-10 BADAC   11-15 DCDBA     16-20 BCBAA
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