I grew up in a very poor common family. My father used some unusual ways to teach me. The following

I grew up in a very poor common family. My father used some unusual ways to teach me. The following is the one I value most.
On the first day of 2nd grade, my father asked me if I could read well. t6Yes, I can," I said. So he gave me a map with street names and directions on how to walk to school. My school is 3 miles away, and I had never been off my home street by myself ever.
My father said, “Lily, everything you need to know is written on the map, read the map and follow the directions.” My father kissed me goodbye and sent me out the door. I was afraid. How could I walk to school alone? On my way to school, I cried as I walked.
I don't know how long it took me to get to school, but I do remember how I felt when I came around the last street comer, and saw my school. I jumped up and down. I wished I could tell my father that I made it.
My father wasn't there when I got home and I was asleep when he got home. The next day I waited for him to ask what had happened. He never did. Years later, I asked him why he did that and why he didn't care what had happened. He just looked at me for a while and then said, T didn't have to ask you, because I knew. I followed you all the way. I saw you jump up and down at the last street comer. I felt what you felt.55 Then I understood and cried.
26. On the first day of 2nd grade, Lilyss father asked her to .
A. read street names B. go to school herself
C. learn how to read maps D. memorize ways to school
27. Why did Lily cry on her way to school?
A. Because she was afraid to walk alone.
B. Because she didn't know the way.
C. Because she was late for school.
D. Because she didn't like school.
28. How did Lily feel when she saw her school?
A. Tired. B. Excited. C. Worried. D. Bored.
29. We can leam from the passage that Lily .
A. did very well in her lessons
B. hardly talked with her father
C. didn't want her father to ask what had happened
D. didn't know her father was following her all the time
30. Years later, Lily understood that her father .
A. took pride in her study B. was strict with her
C. loved her very much D. cared about her study
26〜30 BABDC
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