Many of us have memories of discovering secret places when we were growing up.

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Many of us have memories of discovering secret places when we were growing up.
36 They are special because we can return to these places in our minds, either to catch a break from busy daily life or simply to revisit a joyful time or place.
37 We have done such discoveries several times while living in Shanghai and Beijing. Even if we are not the first to discover these places, finding places that are not so obvious can be rewarding.
One of our favorite parks in Beijing is Huangcaowan Country Park, a great place for a bicycle trip out past the Fourth Ring Road. 38 On a recent weekend, my wife wanted to get off one of the main trails (/]、路)to see where a narrow dirt trail would take us. 39 But after we passed a rough stretch (延伸)of old paved walkway, we discovered a new trail, beautifully landscaped and skillfully paved with stones, between a canal and the walls of local business, campuses and industries. It stretched out for about a kilometer. 40 It is a reward for getting off the beaten path, so to speak.
Making wonderful memories like these is worth the extra effort to find them.
A. It looked like it might end beyond a bend.
B. They are places that often remain with us.
C. China is a wonderful place to make surprising discoveries.
D. Whenever you find a place like this, you will never want another park.
E. While there were a few others on the trail, it felt like our own secret place.
F. It is so far from the noisy city that we can enjoy a little precious peace in the park,
G. It's less beautiful than other parks» but the trails are delightful and seldom crowded.
36 — 40 BCGAE
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