The ground we walk on seems firm, but deep under the earth and under the sea the rocks change and mo

   The ground we walk on seems firm, but deep under the earth and under the sea the rocks change and move.In some parts of the world there are “fire mountains”, which we call volcanoes.From time to time they burst open and throw out fire and burning ash.These volcanoes are very dangerous.
Hong Kong does not have any volcanoes but there are many in Indonesia and the Philippines.There is also a famous mountain near Tokyo, Japan, which is a volcano too.Its name is Mount Fuji.For much of the year, it is covered with snow.
One of the most famous volcanoes which erupted in recent times was Krakatoa, on an island in Indonesia.The first explosions (爆发) took place on 20th May, 1883, but the big eruption did not come until the 26th and 27th August of that year.The people on the island were used to the explosions by that time, and so they were completely unprepared for this terrible happening.Almost all the people on the island died and the explosion also made huge waves in the sea, which drowned (淹死) many people on the other island nearby.After the eruption was over, people saw that the whole northern part of the island had completely disappeared.Scientists say that 15 cubic (立方的) kilometres of rocks and ash were thrown up in the explosion.The noise of the explosion was heard nearly 5,000 kilometres away in the middle of the Indian Ocean, and the city of Jakarta was completely dark for about two and a half hours.
4.There are many volcanoes     . 
A.everywhere in the world  B.under the earth and the sea Hong Kong Indonesia
5.Mount Fuji is famous just because     . is covered with snow for much of the year is a volcano is near Tokyo is in Japan
6.The people near Krakatoa were unprepared when it had its biggest explosion because people there     . 
A.had never met any explosions of the volcano before
B.were used to the explosions of the volcano by that time
C.didn’t want to leave their island
D.could do nothing but wait

【文章大意】 本文以喀拉喀托火山为重点,介绍了火山爆发的一些情况。
4.D 细节理解题。从第一段第二句“In some parts of the world there are ‘fire mountains’, which we call volcanoes.”和第二段第一句“Hong Kong does not have any volcanoes but there are many in Indonesia and the Philippines.”可知火山并不是到处都有,排除A项和B项;香港没有火山, 排除C项。故选D项。
5.B 细节理解题。从第二段中“There is also a famous mountain near Tokyo, Japan, which is a volcano too.Its name is Mount Fuji.”可知富士山出名主要是因为它是一座火山。
6.B 细节理解题。从第三段第三句“The people on the island were used to the explosions by that time, and so they were completely unprepared for this terrible happening.”可知当地的人们已经习惯了之前的多次火山爆发,因此,当最大的爆发发生时,人们没有准备。
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