As the world puts increased pressure on kids to be winners, parents tend to make it their mission t

    As the world puts increased pressure on kids to be winners, parents tend to make it their mission to help their kids succeed in every possible way. But now there’s a growing realization among teachers and other experts who work with children that kids increasingly need help in learning how to fail. So how do parents teach kids to fail? The following steps may be of help.
l   Show your understanding
    Understand your child when he’s disappointed and frustrated. Don’t just say, “It’s okay. You’ll do better next time.” It’s useless to brush off a child’s feelings of frustration and disappointment.    31   For example, “I see you’re really disappointed, and I know you really wanted to do better.”
l   Make yourself a model
    It’s wise for you to first explain that failure is a part of life and you can share examples of “failures” you’ve ever had, such as losing out on a promotion at work or failing to accomplish an important task.  32  l   Make it a teachable moment
33     You and your child can try to come up with what he can do next time for a better chance at success. For instance, can he study differently or talk to the teacher about the problem? Can he change something in the future? It’s all about problem-solving.
   It can be very tough to watch your child fall down, but he can only learn how to handle disappointment through trial and error. As books like The Blessings of a Skinned Knee and the newly released How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go underline, parents must stop lending a helping hand.    35   
    Learning to fail can be painful. But kids will only succeed if they can acquire the skills to handle whatever life throws on their way.
A. Step back and allow kids to fail.
B. Watch your child fall and give a hand.
C. A child’s failure is a chance for parents to teach problem-solving skills.
D. Afterwards, you can model how to handle the disappointment in your life.
E. Instead, you need to change the language to show your true understanding.
F. They must learn to handle their own disappointment through trial and error.
G. Otherwise, you rob children of the very experiences that require problem-solving.

31-35 EDCAG
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