My love for words started pretty early. 21 . it was from my eighth birthday.

阅读下面短从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上 将该项涂黑。
My love for words started pretty early. 21 . it was from my eighth birthday.
That afternoon I 22 the first book I would write in from my grandmother. I tore open my present to 23 a small blue and white book with the word "DIARY" 24 out in large blue letters.
I looked up at her and asked, "What's a 25 ?"
She smiled, "It's a precious book where you can 26 about the day you hope to have; even your plans for the 27 day. Think of it as a beautiful secret between you and the 28 . Nothing is boring and there are no rules or boundaries."
My grandmother treasured that I was bom the day after her birth-date. This fact 29 gave us an extraordinary unspoken bond that made treasured moments like this 30 .
My joy for words and writing 31 that day. Page after page I wrote out my thoughts, pains and dreams. And I continued this 32 for most of my high school years. 英语,全国卷(二)第4页(共6页)
33 and unknowingly this simple habit had become my journey of 34 .1 found it was amazing how each 35 was helping me identify what I liked and disliked, what my hopes and dreams were, as well as whom I was becoming.
Throughout the years my writing has 36 many styles. Whether it was to discover myself, declutter (清除)my mind or get over heartache, good or bad, words have always been there for 37 .
It's one thing to live your life, but it's another thing to observe your life and 38 it via writing. You notice new things, see relationships from broader viewpoints, and find your true passion (酷爱)through 39 intentions of doing different things.
40 have shown me their true power. C. To be exact D. In general
21.A. To begin with B. In a word
22.A.bought B. received C. stole D. borrowed
23.A. read C.choose D. find
24.A. spelled B. spoken C. picked D. pointed
25.A. letter B. present C. diary
26.A. ask B. care C. set D. write
27.A. old B. following C. rainy D. lucky
28.A. past B. life C. pages D.friend
29.A. somehow B. still C. otherwise D. only
30.A. rare B. embarrassing C. unforgettable D. lonely
31.A. faded B. disappeared C. changed D.began
32.A. practice B. topic C. plan D. examination
33.A. Initially B. Suddenly C. Gradually D. Unfortunately
34.A. self-trust B. self-discovery C. self-respect D. self-support
35.A. style B. lesson C. form D. entry
36.A. taken on B. decided on C. got over D. dealt with
37.A. us B. everyone C. me D. others
38.A. reflect on B. lead C. praise D. look for
39.A. specific B. unclear C. good D. false
40.A. Books B. Words C. Habits D. Efforts
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