People refuse to change the things they hate because they're afraid. Once you let go of your fe

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
   People refuse to change the things they hate because they're afraid. Once you let go of your fears, you'll realize that whatever happens, you'll be OK and be able to create a better, happier life for yourself. 36      
Make a list of the things you hate about your life. Be specific .Don't say “I hate my job” but instead list the things you hate about it, such as your schedule, the pay or your coworkers. Do the same with other areas of your life. _37   If you hate your body, your lack of self-respect or the way you act with others, include that in your list as well.
_38    For example, you can ask for a raise, start looking for a new job or work on a better relation ship with your coworkers. If you feel overwhelmed, start with smaller steps, such as listing the positive things about the things you hate. You might hate your job, but you also have a firm monthly salary and medical benefits.
Let go of the past. You might not be able to forgive your parents, your ex or that friend that hurt you, but you don't need to let the pain rule your life either. Katie Byron, author of “Loving What Is”, emphasizes the importance of accepting that certain things cannot be changed. 39     
Keep a Thank You journal. 40      Every day, try to find a few things you're grateful for. It can be something as simple as having somebody give you his seat in the bus or opening the door for you. Or it can be a compliment or an email from a friend. Focusing on the positive will make it easier to see that good things are also part of your life.
   A. Don't look only outside your life.
B.A good change is as good as a rest.
C. But how can you stop hating your life?
D. List positive things you can do to change.
E. Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.
F .This will help you focus on the positive in your life.
G. Instead, focus on the present and what you can do to make your life better.

36. C。从下文看,作者讲了如何处理生活中的讨厌的、负面的事物和情绪,让生活更加积极美好,即是对C的回答。
37. A。前面讲了列出具体不喜欢的东西,都是外在的,下面讲内在的。
38. D。上文列出了不喜欢的,这一段讲能够做的。
39. G。这一段讲放弃过去,着眼现在。
40. F。注意前一句说记下感恩的事。既然是感恩就只会关注正面的事。

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