Year 2020 seems to be the year of healthy eating. People are choosing to follow a vegetarian diet

Year 2020 seems to be the year of healthy eating. People are choosing to follow a vegetarian diet, and some have even given up animal products entirely.
But Joe Rogan, the most popular podcast host in the US, was against this trend and called January 2020 “world carnivore (食肉动物)month” In his recent podcast, he reviewed his experience with “the carnivore diet” Starting in January, he ate only meat for 30 days without any vegetables or fruit.
The podcaster tried the diet after the famous psychologist Jordan Peterson claimed that the diet could promote energy levels and mental health, according to Business Insider.
Rising to the challenge, Rogan posted regular updates about his diet on the popular social platform Instagram. With the average day consisting of just 2 meals, breakfast would be 6 eggs or a steak, and dinner would include either another steak, such as beef, fish or liver.
After 30 days, Rogan said he felt amazed. He also wrote, “I lost 12 pounds. Lots of pains went away. My energy is constant, and I have improvements in my stomachache. I went into this thing, thinking that this carnivore diet was kind of strange, but this is as good as I've felt in a long time.”
It has positive results, but some have pointed out the diet's limitation. Speaking to CNBC, Linda Horn, a health expert at Northwestern University, said that studies show that a high-quality diet with a variety of nutrients is connected with “a better quality of life, long life and reduced risk of chronic (慢性的)diseases” She added that the energy people claim to feel from the carnivore diet is probably not because of the meat. Instead, she said kicking carbohydrates (碳水化合物)and sugar causes weight loss and it makes people feel better.
While the carnivore diet may offer you some benefits, eating a balanced diet will afford you more health bene^ts than consuming a single food group, according to Healthline.
32. How did Rogan respond to the vegetarian trend?
A. He helped promote it on his podcast.
B. He gave up animal products entirely.
C. He started to eat only meat for 30 days.
D. He suggested a “world carnivore month”.
33. What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?
A. How Rogan benefited from the carnivore diet.
B. Why Rogan tried the carnivore diet at the beginning.
C. How the carnivore diet helped people improve their health.
D. Why Rogan kept posting updates about his diet on Instagram.
34. Why do people feel better from the carnivore diet according to Linda Horn?
A. They get more and more energy from it.
B. The diet helps them reduce their aches and pains.
C. The meat in the diet improves their mental health.
D. They lose weight without taking carbohydrates and sugar.
35. What can be concluded from the passage?
A. Keeping a balanced diet is still a wise choice.
B. The carnivore diet has become a trend in 2020.
C. Further studies will be completed on the carnivore diet.
D. The carnivore diet is more beneficial than a vegetarian diet.
32.C 33.A 34.D 35.A
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