I went to hunt for a job in a magazine company.For merely five editing__1__, there were over 300 app

I went to hunt for a job in a magazine company.For merely five editing__1__, there were over 300 applicants, and only 50 could enter the final interview after the written test.On the day of the__2__, I got well dressed without having breakfast.The company__3___us to draw lots to determine the interview__4__.I was the 23rd.Before me was the 22nd candidate who was a short and plain­looking girl wearing light blue __5__clothes without using any make­up.
I did not __6__that two hours had passed__7__only 10 candidates had been interviewed.As I did not have breakfast, my stomach started to ache.Half an hour later, I could hardly __8__my book and large drops of sweat ran down my forehead.
__9__, someone patted me on the shoulder.It was No. 22.__10__ I didn't have breakfast and that __11__ came to me, she bought me a bottle of milk and a piece of bread! I felt considerably__12__all over my heart, because I had not__13__she would be so nice to help me, her rival, in such a(n)__14__situation!
Finally, I__15__ among all candidates and managed to be an editor.
1.A.tasks           B.questions
C.courses  D.positions
解析:选D 根据上句中“hunt for a job in a magazine company”以及本句中的“applicants”可知,这里是说“仅仅有5个编辑岗位”(positions)。
2.A.graduation  B.judgment
C.interview  D.ceremony
解析:选C 根据上文内容“only 50 could enter the final interview after the written test (只有50人可以通过笔试进入面试)”可知,接下来的事发生在“面试(interview)那天”。
3.A.encouraged  B.required
C.persuaded  D.taught
解析:选B 根据下文“I was the 23rd.”可知,此处是说杂志社要求(required)用抽签的方式来决定面试次序(order)。
4.A.procedure  B.rule
C.order  D.content
解析:选C 参见上题解析
5.A.casual  B.dirty
C.cheap  D.strange
解析:选A 根据上文“plain­looking”以及下文中“without using any make­up”可知,在“我”前 面的22号应聘者不加修饰,穿着休闲(causal)装。
6.A.agree  B.expect
C.doubt  D.care
解析:选B “我”没想到(expect)面试时间如此之长(所以没吃早饭),时间过去了两个小时,却只轮到10号应聘者面试。
7.A.so  B.or
C.and  D.but
解析:选D 此处表示转折,故用but。
8.A.focus on  B.put out
C.turn down  D.take away
解析:选A 根据上文“我”的胃开始隐隐作痛以及下文中“large drops of sweat ran down my forehead”可知,半个小时后“我”已经疼到无法集中精力(focus on)看书。
9.A.Naturally  B.Secretly
C.Suddenly  D.Gradually
解析:选C 突然(suddenly),有人轻拍“我”的肩膀。
10.A.Believing  B.Knowing
C.Explaining  D.Remembering
解析:选B 由下文“she bought me a bottle of milk and a piece of bread”可知,她知道(Knowing)了“我”胃疼。
11.A.stomachache  B.headache
C.toothache  D.backache
解析:选A 由第8空前的“my stomach started to ache”可知答案。
12.A.calm  B.proud
C.confident  D.warm
解析:选D 在互为竞争对手的特殊情况下,她竟然给“我”送来了“救命草”,因此“我”感到心里暖暖的(warm)。
13.A.admitted  B.meant
C.imagined  D.understood
解析:选C 在互为竞争对手的特殊(special)情况下,她竟然给“我”送来了“救命草”,这是“我”没有料到的。imagine此处意为“料想;想到”。
14.A.awkward  B.unpleasant
C.special  D.dangerous
解析:选C 参见上题解析
15.A.turned up  B.worked hard
C.fell behind  D.stood out
解析:选D 根据下文“managed to be an editor”可知,“我”从50名应聘者中脱颖而出(stood out),竞聘成功,成了该杂志社的一名编辑。
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