Notre Dame(巴黎圣母院)was on fire, and I was desperately looking for a photo that I took in 2008.

Notre Dame(巴黎圣母院)was on fire, and I was desperately looking for a photo that I took in 2008.
In it, my   1   , Jamie, is standing front of the   2   and smiling amid a sea of tourists. He's 23 years old. freshly shaved, and wearing a shiny wedding ring. We're in Paris on our   3   .
On our last night in France, we made a   4   to return every five years.
Our promise to return was   5   in 2013.
We had a victorious trip that   6   a dinner on He Saint-Louis,   7   by a nighttime walk past Notre Dame. I    8   the evening on Instagram with a simple title: “Tonight was magic.”
In 2018, I returned to Paris   9   .I carried Jamie's ashes with me.
Jamie died on February 4. 2017. He was running a half marathon and suddenly   10   less than a mile from the finish line, where 1 was waiting for him. He was 32 years old.
Notre Dame was on fire, and I desperately want it to   11   .
My 2018 trip to Paris involved a lot of walking and   12   , trying to make sense of how my life turned out. I didn't visit Notre Dame.
Notre Dame was on fire, and I   13   want to talk to Jamie about it.
I hope to visit Paris and its magnificent churches   14   in 2023. If and when I do return, it will be a (an)   15   visit.
Everything is   16    including the people and places we love. Even our memories   17   over time, though some of the saddest images, like Notre Dame in flames, tend to   18   us for a long time.
But there's   19   in sadness and meaning in impermanence. Notre Dame will rebuild. And so will I. I'll keep   20   my life, too.
1.A.workmate B.husband C.servant D.rival C.sea D.statue B.dinner C.purchase D.honeymoon
4.A.suggestion B.discussion C.promise D.conclusion
5.A.broken B.made C.suspected D.tested
6.A.included B.obtained C.provided D.guaranteed
7.A.accompanied B.followed C.replaced D.caught
8.A.enjoyed B.remembered C.missed D.documented
9.A.soon B.alone C.intentionally D.accidentally
10.A.laughed B.leaped C.crashed D.stopped
11.A.develop B.bum C.shine D.survive.
12.A.understanding B.reflecting C.regretting D.complaining
13.A.carefully B.slowly C.desperately D.calmly
14.A.again B.ever C.once D.also
15.A.bittersweet B.ordinary C.sudden D.unique
16.A.possible B.impressive C.momentary D.lasting
17.A.happen B.exist C.occur D.disappear
18.A.wait for with C.appeal to D.rely on
19.A.sorrow B.kick C.hope D.confidence
20.A.rebuilding B.earning C.realizing D.shaping
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