Sam, our beloved companion over 10 years. died two months ago. It was still a big blow to my family

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A.、B 、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Sam, our beloved companion over 10 years. died two months ago. It was still a big blow to my family until we finally decided to_ 41_another shepherd dog through the local German Shepherd Rescue.
After meeting with the host family to see if we met the   42    for adoption, we were allowed to take a 2-year-old female Shepherd home. She was a_ 43  dog. loving, gentle and smart!
One day on a walk, a neighbor's dog crossed the street in an(a)_ 44  manner and attacked her as she stepped in front of me. After that, she immediately_ 45  a fierce animal whenever
she saw any other dog ! When I_ 46  with the previous host family, I was told she’d also been
47  badly while at a dog park with them!
Quickly I searched and found an(a)_ 48  woman with her own dog一a team who would help Sam remove her terrible_ 49  .The other dog was an Australian Shepherd. We were  50  to walk to the end of the street. Once there, I saw the woman and her obedient (顺从)trained  51  ! As we slowly approached them, I_ 52_as soon as my dog became anxious. Her dog was 53  sitting, simply watching for directions.
As weeks passed, these two dogs_ 54  walked side by side because of this quiet, steady and careful__ 55  !A calm Australian Shepherd erased the fear of a German Shepherd and finally healed her invisible scars.
41. A. train             B. hire             C. adopt            D. offer
42. A. instructions       B. oppositions       C. standards         D. problems
43. A. generous         B. grateful          C. wonderful        D. careful
44. A. casual           B. cautious          C. curious          D. aggressive
45. A. ran after         B. changed into       C. fought with       D. came across
46. A. debated         B. bargained          C. signed           D. checked
47. A. refused         B. cheated            C. attacked          D. treated
48. A. amusing        B. amazing           C. promising         D. confusing
49. A. shame          B. loneliness         C. sadness            D. fear
50. A. persuaded       B. required          C. reminded           D. warned
51. A. partner         B. owner            C. driver              D. competitor
52. A. stopped        B. cheered           C. passed              D. returned
53. A. angrily         B. calmly           C. nervously            D. honestly
54. A. quickly        B. occasionally       C. gradually            D. suddenly
55. A. process        B. course            C. service              D. performance
41. C考查动词。A. train 训练; B. hire 租用; C. adopt收养,D. offer提供。根据下文“met the 42  for adoption"可知: Sam死了,作者一家又收养了另一只牧羊犬。故选C。
42. C考查名词。A. instructions用法说朗,指令,B. oppositions反对,对手; C. standards标
准; D. problems难题,根据句意可知:作者- -家见牧羊犬的主人,看是否他们满足收养条件。故选C。
43. C考查形容词。A. generous慷慨的; B. grateful感激的; C. wonderful极好的; D. careful小心的。根据下文"loving. gentle and smart as a whip!"可知:这只牧羊犬可爱,温顺而且聪明灵巧,是一只非常好的狗。故选C。
44. D考查形容词。A. casual随便的; B. cautious谨慎的; C. curious好奇的; D. aggressive好斗的。根据句意可知:邻居只好 斗的狗穿过街道来攻击作者的狗。故选D。
45. B考查动词短语。A. ran after追赶; B. changed into变成; C. fought with与..战斗; D. came across偶然遇到。根据上下文语境语意可知:有一天散步时作者的狗受到攻击,之后,每当见
46. D考查动词。A. debated辩论; B. bargained 讨价还价; C. signed签署, 示意; D. checked核对,检查。根据句意可知:作者向狗原来的主人核实这只狗以前的情况。故选D。
47. C考查动词。A. refused 拒绝; B. cheated欺骗; C. attacked 攻击; D. treated 对待。根据句意可知:作者向狗原来的主人询问,了解到以前他们在遛狗公园时,这只狗也受到过恶劣的攻击。故选C。
48. B考查形容词。A. amusing有趣的; B. amazing令人惊奇的; C. promising有希望的,有前途的; D. confusing令人困惑的。根据上下文语境语意可知:作者找到一-位神奇的女士,她养
了一只obedient trained"澳大利亚牧羊犬,他们一起帮助自己的狗消除了恐惧。故选B。
49. D考查名词。A. shame羞愧; B, loneliness孤独; C. sadness伤心; D. fear恐惧,害怕。根据文章最后一句中“erased the fear of a German Shephered"可知:作者的狗原本 是温顺听话的,但自从受到狗的攻击后,一见到其它狗,就变得恐惧不安。故选D。
50. B考查动词。A. persuaded说服; B. required要求; C. reminded提醒; D. warned警告 。
51. A考查名词。A. partner搭档, 合作者; B. owner主人; C. driver司机; D. competitor竞争者。根据句意可知:到了那儿,作者看到了女士和她训练有素且听话的搭档(狗)。故选A。
52. A考查动词。A. stopped停下; B. cheered欢呼; C. passed经过; D. returned回来。 根据句意可知:作者带着自己的狗慢慢靠近女士和她的狗,当自己的狗变得焦躁时作者停了下来。故选A。
53. B考查副词。A. angrily生气地; B. calmly平静地; C. nervously紧张地; D. honestly 诚实地。根据句意可知:女士的狗平静地坐着,看着四周。故选B。
54. C考查副词。A. quickly快速地; B. occasionally偶尔地; C. gradually逐渐地; D. suddenly突然地。根据句意可知:几周后,两只狗逐渐开始一起散步。 故选C。
55. A考查名词。A. process过程; B. course课程; C. service服务; D. performance表演。根据上下文语境语意可知:几周内帮助狗消除恐惧,是一个安静的、 稳固的、谨慎的过程。故选A。
56. making考查现在分词。句意:就在本周,新泽西州州长菲尔墨菲签署了一项法案:禁止用大象、老虎和其它野生动物从事马戏表演,使得新泽西州全国第一个通过这样一个法律。此处为现在分词作结果状语故 该空填making。
57. has gone考查动词时态。句意:自从正式宣布,该法律已经生效。根据时间状语*since its formal declaration"可知:主句谓语动词用现在完成时。故该空填has gone。
58. Known考查过去分词。“know"与句子主语“the bill"之间为被动关系,应用过去分词作状
59. was forced 考查动词时态语态。下文用过去时描述Nosey曾经不幸的经历,故该空填was
60. severely 考查副词。修饰形容词"lame"应用副词形式。故该空填severely。
61. disability 考查名词。形容词"permanent”修饰名词。 故该空填disability。
62. where考查定语从句。句意:这些动物属于它们自然的栖息地,而不是安全受到威胁的表演中。where引导定语从句修饰先行词"performances", 在从句中作状语。故该空填where。
63. of考查介词。"because of +名词”由于,为固定用法。故该空填of。
64. votes 考查名词。"three opposing votes"三张反对票。故该空填votes。
65. but考查连词。句意:伊利诺伊州和纽约州已经禁止在旅行或娱乐表演中使用大象,但新泽西州是第一个禁止所有野生和外来动物的州。两个句子之间为转折关系。故该空填but。
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