It is reported that using a smartphone at mealtimes can lead to an expanding waistline. Researchers

It is reported that using a smartphone at mealtimes can lead to an expanding waistline. Researchers have found that men and women consumed 15 percent more calories when looking at their phones while eating. They also ate more fatty food. The groundbreaking study suggests that staring at a phone screen may distract diners from how much food they are actually eating.
"It may prevent the correct understanding of the brain over the amount of food that is eaten," said researchers who filmed 62 volunteers eating alone.
The men and women, aged from 18 to 28, were invited to help themselves to a choice of food 一 ranging from healthy options to soft drinks and chocolates - until they were finally satisfied. In three trials, the volunteers were recorded eating with no distractions, using a smart phone or reading a magazine. According to the study, on average, the volunteers ate 535 calories without the distraction of a smartphone but 591 calories when using a mobile phone instead.
Those in the sample who were classified as overweight ate 616 calories while using their phones. When they were in possession of their mobile phones, the volunteers consumed 10 percent more fatty foods. When reading a magazine, they also ate more compared with no distractions during a meal, but they consume less calories compared with the use of smart phones when having a meal.
"The use of a smart phone during a meal increased calorie and fat intake," said Marcio Gilberto Zangeronimoa, a lead author of the study carried out at the Federal University of Lavras in Brazil and University Medical Center Utrecht in the Netherlands.
He added, "At present, tablets and smart phones have become the main 'distractors' during meals, even early in childhood, and distractors prevent the brain correctly understanding the amount of food ingested, so it is important to pay attention to how this may impact food choices."
4. Which phrase can best replace the underlined word "distract" in the first paragraph?
A. Draw ... to ... B. Give ... out.
C. Bring about... D. Break ... up.
5. According to the study, a lady may consume the least calories during a meal when    .
A. eating with no distractions B. eating with a magazine
C. eating with a phone D. eating with a tablet
6. What is Marcio Gilberto Zangeronimoa's attitude to the use of phones during a meal?
A. Favorable. B. Negative. C. Indifferent. D. Surprised.
7. This passage most likely comes from    .
A. a diary B. a magazine C. a novel D. a tourist guide
【答案】4. A    5. A    6. B    7. B
词义猜测题。根据第一段第二、三句提到“研究者发现,吃饭时看手机男性和女性多摄入15%的热量。他们也食用更多脂肪类食物”,并结合第二段中“It may prevent the correct understanding of the brain over the amount of food that is eaten(它可能阻止大脑正确理解摄入食物的数量)”可推知,画线词所在句“The groundbreaking study suggests that staring at a phone        screen may distract diners from how much food they are actually eating.”意为“这个突破性的研究表明,盯着手机屏幕可能使用餐者从实际上吃了多少食物上分心”,所以划线词“distract”意为“(使)分心,转移”,故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“According to the study, on average, the volunteers ate 535 calories without the distraction of a smartphone but 591 calories when using a mobile phone instead.(根据研究,没有手机干扰,志愿者平均吃535卡路里,但是相反,使用手机时摄入591卡路里)”可知,吃饭时没有干扰的事情摄入的热量最少。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段Marcio Gilberto Zangeronimoa说的话“目前,平板电脑和手机已经变成吃饭时主要的干扰物,甚至是在童年早期,干扰物阻止大脑正确理解摄取的食物数量,所以注意这如何影响食物选择很重要”可知,Marcio Gilberto Zangeronimoa对吃饭时使用手机持消极态度。故选B项。
推理判断题。通读全文,并结合文章第一句“It is reported that using a smartphone at mealtimes can lead to an expanding waistline.(据报道,吃饭时使用手机可以导致腰围变粗)”可知,本文主要讲述了一项研究结果,吃饭时玩手机会使人分心,从而摄入更多的热量,所以本文可能出自杂志。故选B项。
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