Running, cycling, aerobics (有氧运动) … there are hundreds of ways to get fit. 51.Here are two relative

 Running, cycling, aerobics (有氧运动) … there are hundreds of ways to get fit. 51.Here are two relatively new ones that you might like to try.
Exergaming consists of doing exercise with video games. And there are lots to choose from. Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) is a fun way to work out. Simply stand on a platform and hit the coloured arrows with your feet as you follow the instructions on the screen. 52.As the tagline (标 语) says, “Taking dancing to a whole new level!” For a gentler form of exercise, try the “Wii Fit” series of games. You can do yoga, strength training and aerobics while standing on a balance board. 53.
54.They’re meant to improve your posture, and strengthen your muscles. They can also increase circulation and reduce body fat. The shoes were invented by Swiss engineer Karl Müller in the early 1990s. On a visit to Korea, he noticed that walking barefoot over some soft fields alleviated (缓解) his back and knee problems. He also discovered that the Kenyan Masai tribespeople (who often walk barefoot) don’t suffer from back pain and are famous for their perfect posture. So, he decided that the answer was a shoe with a curved sole and no heel. The shoes were launched in 1996, and by 2000 approximately 20,000 pairs had been sold in Switzerland, Austria and Germany. 55.Some celebrities such as Jemima Khan, Jodie Kidd and Sadie Frost also own a pair.
A.Since then, they have become a big hit.
B.Concentrate on the screen and search for the instructions.
C.You score points by hitting the right arrow at the right time.
D.And every year there are lots of new ideas for getting into shape.
E.Walking on Anti-shoes is similar to walking barefoot on sand or grass.
F.Personalize your workout, or exercise with a friend, competing in games!
G.Anti-shoes are designed to exercise parts of your body while you’re walking.
51.D 52.C 53.F 54.G 55.A
上文“Running, cycling, aerobics (有氧运动) … there are hundreds of ways to get fit.(跑步、骑自行车、有氧运动……有数百种方法可以健身)”讲到健身方法有很多种,引出话题。下文“Here are two relatively new ones that you might like to try.(这里有两个相对较新的,你可能想尝试一下)”中的 ones 指代保持健康的方法,所以此处应该是一个过渡句。D项“And every year there are lots of new ideas for getting into shape.(每年都有很多新的健身方法)”中的“new ideas”与下文一致,且符合语境。故选D。
上文“Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) is a fun way to work out. Simply stand on a platform and hit the coloured arrows with your feet as you follow the instructions on the screen.(DDR是一种有趣的锻炼方式。只需站在一个平台上,按屏幕上的说明用你的脚击中彩色箭头)”讲的是DDR运动式游戏的具体玩法,由此推知设空处应是对上文的说到的玩法进行进一步补充说明,与上文是顺接关系。C项“You score points by hitting the right arrow at the right time.(在正确的时间击中正确的箭头才能得分)”符合语境,arrows是关键词。故选C。
上文“Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) is a fun way to work out. Simply stand on a platform and hit the coloured arrows with your feet as you follow the instructions on the screen.(DDR是一种有趣的锻炼方式。只需站在一个平台上,按屏幕上的说明用你的脚击中彩色箭头)”以及“For a gentler form of exercise, try the “Wii Fit” series of games. You can do yoga, strength training and aerobics while standing on a balance board.(对于一种比较温和的锻炼方式,可以试试“Wii Fit”系列游戏。你可以站在平衡板上做瑜伽、力量训练和有氧运动)”可知,本段介绍了 2 种运动式游戏,包括 DDR 较剧烈的运动式游戏和比较温和的运动式游戏。此处位于段尾,应为是本段的总结句。F项“Personalize your workout, or exercise with a friend, competing in games!(你可以私人订制锻炼方式,也可以和朋友一起,边玩游戏边锻炼!)”符合语境。故选F。
下文“They’re meant to improve your posture, and strengthen your muscles. They can also increase circulation and reduce body fat. The shoes were invented by Swiss engineer Karl Müller in the early 1990s. On a visit to Korea, he noticed that walking barefoot over some soft fields alleviated (缓解) his back and knee problems. He also discovered that the Kenyan Masai tribespeople (who often walk barefoot) don’t suffer from back pain and are famous for their perfect posture.(它们可以改善你的姿势,增强你的肌肉。它们还能促进血液循环,减少身体脂肪。这款鞋是由瑞士工程师Karl Müller在20世纪90年代早期发明的。在对韩国的一次访问中,他注意到在一些柔软的场地上赤脚行走缓解了他的背部和膝盖问题。他还发现肯尼亚马萨伊部落的人(他们经常赤脚行走)不会遭受背痛的折磨,而且以他们完美的姿势而闻名)”介绍的是使用“Anti shoes”对身体的具体好处。设空处位于段首,因此,此处是一个总起句。G项“Anti-shoes are designed to exercise parts of your body while you’re walking.(Anti shoes 的设计是为了在你走路的时候锻炼身体的某些部位)”中的“to exercise parts of your body”与下文一致。故选G。
上文“The shoes were launched in 1996, and by 2000 approximately 20,000 pairs had been sold in Switzerland, Austria and Germany.(这款鞋于1996年推出,到2000年已在瑞士、奥地利和德国销售了大约2万双)”介绍了 Anti shoes 从 1996 年最初推出,到 2000 前销售情况,也就是说以时间顺序介绍了它的发展历程。A项“Since then, they have become a big hit.(从此以后,它成了热门的东西)”中的“Since then”指的就是自1996年起,选项中的become a big hit呼应上文的launch与上文一致。故选A。
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