The first to die 1_____(be) Chinese agricultural workers, who were killed in the orchards and garden

3  303名中国人在墨西哥被杀,110年后,我们终于等来了总统的道歉!


Mexico faces up to uneasy anniversary of Chinese massacre
The first to die 1_____(be) Chinese agricultural workers, who were killed in the orchards and gardens 2_____(surround) the Mexican city of Torreón by advancing revolutionary forces in the early hours of 13 May 1911.
As the rebels entered the city, they were joined by thousands of locals, fired up by racist speeches. A total of 303 Chinese people 3_____(murder) in the massacre at Torreón, then a burgeoning railway town.
The massacre caused indignation(愤慨) in China, and Mexico eventually agreed 4_____(pay) 3.1m pesos in gold in reparations, although the payment was never made.
In Torreón, nobody was ever charged — let alone tried or convicted — over the massacre, and today the events of 1911 remain largely unmentioned.
"This matter of the Chinese killings makes us confront a truth 5_____ we haven't wanted to talk about locally, "said historian Carlos Castañón.
On Monday, however, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is expected to travel to Torreón to seek 6_____(forgive) for the massacre as part of a year-long series of events 7_____(mark) some of the darker chapters in Mexico's history.
"It's 8_____ honest gesture, which transcends politics, " said Castañón."For the first time, we're going to confront the big lie that we've perpetuated — and the silence of our complicity."
The president's plan to commemorate the massacre has predictably ruffled feathers among some in Torreón.
"We will participate 9_____ the ceremony but we will have our own opinion, " the then mayor, Jorge Zermeño said in February."I think that in wars, there's a lot of confusion. These are events of the time and have to be seen in the context of which they occurred. Of course they were 10_____(regret)."
1 were  2 surrounding  3 were murdered  4 to pay  5 that
6 forgiveness  7 marking  8 an  9 in  10 regrettable

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