There are few single measures in health care that seem to carry as much weight 1_____ body mass inde

2 BMI指数:身材焦虑的幕后推手


Is BMI a scam?
BMI 是骗局吗?
There are few single measures in health care that seem to carry as much weight 1_____ body mass index, or BMI. Many feel 2_____(judge) by it, but after talking with an epidemiologist, two obesity medicine physicians, a health psychologist and a sociologist, none claimed that BMI was a very 3_____(use) measure of a person's health. And, in fact, some said they would indeed call it a scam.
Does it accurately describe individual health?
For all its utility(效用) as a research tool, body mass index is "fairly useless when 4_____(look) at the individual, " said an associate professor at the University of Ottawa.
BMI can't tell, for instance, 5_____ percentage of a person's weight is from their fat, muscle or bone. Another problem with BMI is that it 6_____(develop) mostly in white men. But body composition and its relationship with health can vary depending on your gender, race and ethnicity.
Can BMI be harmful?
It can be 7_____it's used to set arbitrary goal posts for body size. An associate professor at the Weill Cornell Medical College said that some patients 8_____ have lost weight and reached what she sees as their "healthy, happy weight, " but who still have a high BMI, may feel that they have to unnecessarily or unrealistically drop more pounds to be considered normal on the scale.
It can also be harmful if a doctor assumes that a person with a normal body mass index is healthy, and doesn't probe (探究)them about 9_____(potential) unhealthy habits they may have. And if the doctors of patients with higher BMIs focus on weight alone as the cause of any health issues they may have, the doctors may risk 10_____(stigmatize)(侮蔑) patients.
1 as  2 judged  3 useful  4 looking  5 what
6 was developed  7 if  8 who  9 potentially  10 stigmatizing

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