How to make all your dreams come true 31. ________ Have you ever had any dreams for the future?

下面网页有五处(第31—35题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选 出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。

How to make all your dreams come true
31. ________
Have you ever had any dreams for the future? Yes, of course you have! But making your dreams come true isn't always easy. For the last ten years, I’ve studied the lives of successful men and women. Now let me share my best ideas with you and help you realize your dream!
32. ________
Lots of people think "T want to be rich/successful/famous", but these aims aren t helpful. They're too big! Instead, make a clear decision about exactly what you want to achieve in life and why. For example, "I've always loved writing. I want to study literature at university and then find work in the media. "
33. _________
Have you ever noticed how busy famous people are? Yes, they go to lots of parties, but they don't often sit down and relax. They're always planning their next book, or film, or media interview. In reality, very few successful people are lazy. Sorry about that!
34. __________
If you've never failed in life, you aren't human! If you get a bad mark, lose a competition or argue with your friends, keep calm. Think about what's just happened. Can you do anything differently the next time? Failure is an excellent teacher.
35. __________
Finally, your biggest aim is to be happy! It's a good idea to listen to advice from parents or teachers, but remember that it's your life, and your dreams, so just be yourself. What does "success" mean to you? Does it mean having lots of money, or being close to family and friends? You decide.  

A. Learn to love your mistakes      B. Work hard
C. How I can help up              D. How to get rich
E. Be yourself F. Have clear ideas

31—35 CFBAE

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