A healthy Briton is to become the first person to receive a potential new vaccine for the Ebola vi

  A healthy Briton is to become the first person to receive a potential new vaccine for the Ebola virus.
The UK volunteer will be given the candidate vaccine in a safety trial being conducted by experts at the University of Oxford. The person will be the first of 60 to receive the experimental drug in the UK trial. The testing is part of a series of safety trials of potential vaccines to fight the virus, which could offer hope to the thousands facing the illness in West Africa where an outbreak has killed around 53% of those infected.
The vaccine uses a single benign Ebola virus protein to generate an immune response. The university said the vaccine does not contain infectious Ebola virus material and will not cause a person taking part in the trial to be infected. The trials are conducted on healthy people to see whether they suffer any side effects. The testing will also assess whether those given the jab generate a good immune response.
The vaccine has shown promising results when tested on animals. Pre-clinical research indicated that it provided protection for humanlike animals exposed to Ebola without any significant harmful side effects.
A £2.8 million grant was awarded to the research center making trials of the vaccine. The funding will also allow GSK to begin manufacturing 10,000 additional doses of the vaccine at the same time as the initial clinical trials. If it is successful, the drug will be tested in Gambia and Mali to ensure the studies take into account differences between European and West African populations.
In August, when the trial was announced, Professor Adrian Hill who is leading the research team, said: “The tragic events unfolding in Africa demand an urgent response. In recent years, similar investigational vaccines have safely immunized infants and adults against a range of diseases including malaria, HIV and hepatitis C. We, and all our partners on this project, are optimistic that this candidate vaccine may prove useful against Ebola.” 
1 . What is the significance of the volunteers’ trial of the new vaccine of Ebola virus?
A  .   They can help the world stop the Ebola virus spreading.
B    . Their voluntary work will help the scientists find out the side effect of the new vaccine.
C  .   They make all the British people feel proud of their brave deed.
D  .   They will bring hope to thousands infected by Ebola virus in West Africa.
2 . What will the effect the new vaccine have on the person taking part in the trial?
A  .   The new vaccine will generate an immune response.
B  .   The volunteers in the trial will not be infected by the virus.
C .    The trial will make the volunteers healthy with the vaccine.
D .    The volunteers will not suffer from any side effect.
3 . What can we infer from the passage?
A  .   Scientists are worried about the side effect of the new vaccine.
B   .  10,000 doses of vaccines will be sent to West Africa after the trial.
C   .  The new vaccine proved effective in previous test.
D   .  The new vaccine will be also used in Europe as a result of Ebola outbreak.
4 . What does the underlined word most probably mean in the last paragraph?
A   .  Opening little by little.
B    . Stretching to a larger area.
C  .   Taking place suddenly.
D   .  Coming to a close.
5 . Why do researchers hold a positive view on the trail of the new vaccine?
A .    Previous clinical vaccines have been successful.
B  .   The world reacts quickly to the urgent events.
C  .   They have great fund to support the research and trial.
D .    Children and adults show now safe effect with the vaccine.
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