
你的美国笔友John得知武汉因为新冠病毒引起的肺炎封城,学校不能如期开学,想知道你们现在在家如何学习。请你写一封回信。内容包括: 1.学习内容和方式;2.锻炼方式; 3.感想。
参考词汇: the novel coronavirus新型冠状病毒; pneumonia 肺炎; lockdown  n.封城; quarantine隔离
1. 词数120左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear John,

Dear John,
 It is so considerate of you to send me a letter inquiring about the novel coronavirus in Wuhan. Regarding your concerns about how I study during the lockdown with the pneumonia spreading, I’m writing to share with you in details.
 Although it seems convenient, studying at home can be difficult—delay and distraction can happen easily. Thus, setting a timetable is undoubtedly necessary at this special period, helping organize my study and scheduling the breaks. Meanwhile, it is admirable that my teachers are offering guidance online. As long as I follow their instructions, I would be alert enough to maintain the efficiency, which requires both concentration and will power. Besides, fair amount of exercise should never be neglected. It’s the best way to ensure that my brain is refreshed and ready to process all the information learned. It may be tempting to sit still all day long, but to do some sit-ups and rope-jumping is more beneficial.
 Wuhan may be the front line in this battle, yet Wuhan is not fighting alone. We students stand firmly with the heroic city by studying at home. Winter will eventually pass, and spring is sure to come.
                                                        Li Hua             
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